To be perfectly honest when it comes to fictional turnoffs in books, I’m not entirely sure I’ve given this much thought. If I think back on all the books I’ve read or look through my book archives I’m sure I could discover some. But I’m not really that curious. As a result, we’re just going to try and come up with a handful of turnoffs in books to see if I can find any in my mind.
📚THE FICTIONAL TURNOFFS IN A BOOK📚 Last week it was all about things in books that make us curious. This week we're looking at book 'turnoffs.' #Reader #Reading #Readers #TopTen #TopTenList #BookList #TopTenTuesday Share on XI have one I can think of offhand but beyond this I’m unsure what, if anything, I’ll come up with. Let’s dive in and see if we can find anything, shall we?
Just as a book cover can make me want to read a book, there’s some styles or things on a book cover that will make me go, nope. That one isn’t for me.
There’s some genres I just have zero interest in. I don’t think I’ve read all that I put in this box, but those I have just don’t suit my reader preferences. Those I haven’t just don’t sound good. One I have read, at least partial books, is the fantasy genre and I just cannot get into it.
Almost every movie or book has some sort of “dramatic” break up! For some stories this can work, but for most it sort of takes me out of the plot and even lessens the impact the ending may have otherwise had.
When it comes to content I am not a fan of anything in excess. If it’s profanity, it feels “lazy” to “give in” to continuous profanity just because the genre “allows” for it. If Goodreads reviews are an indicator, while I may be in the minority, I’m also not the only one who doesn’t want excess profanity 20+ times in a chapter. This goes for other content too that sometimes feels more an “I’m including this because my genre says I can” or “I’m including this for shock value” that really has no value. Sometimes it just reads as too much and other times it feels more like there’s a point. Either way, I’m not here for something to be there just because of a “why not” reasons.
I once read the guidelines for a publishing house that publishes trade paperback novels that tend to be inexpensive. The rules for submissions were strict down to a page number. That, to me, it too formulaic. I mean sure I love a good familiar story as much as the next person, but to be down to the page!! That’s too much of the same.
Like any trope or element of a story, where I may rail against it in one book, I may forgive it in another. This is true of any of us since we do have bias and also, storytelling is subjective. However one thing I tend to like less and less is a heroine (or hero, though I think I run across a heroine being this way more often) shifting in her emotions and going back and forth. This is especially true with a love story is there’s more than one person vying for her attention.
What about you? What things are turnoffs for you in a novel? Do you have any or are you chill and like anything? What immediately makes you NOT want to read something? Comment all the comments! Let’s chat!

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Linking Up with That Artsy Reader Girl May 30: Things That Make Me Instantly NOT Want to Read a Book (what are your immediate turn-offs or dealbreakers when it comes to books?)
Wishy-washy heroines are the worst. I also agree about gratuitous sex and the like. Yuck.
Sometimes content is just TOO much. Sometimes it has a real purpose and place but sadly, I find in most of the books I’ve read it’s just too much. Thanks for visiting, Anne!
Wishy-washy heroines is the perfect term!
Most of the time they ANNOY me! Although I’m sure I have a couple who fit the term that I still love. ;) Thanks for visiting, Anita!
I avoid books that are super formulaic, too.
I’m sure I’ve read them but I think the place I’m in now (which is being WAY more picky about fiction), I just don’t love too much. :) Thanks for stopping by, Lydia!!
I agree about formula. That’s why I like Indie books. There is much more freedom in what they can write/publish. Here’s my TTT: https://bonniereadsandwrites.com/2023/05/30/top-ten-tuesday-things-that-make-me-instantly-not-want-to-read-a-book/
This is so true, Bonnie! I read several indie novels several years ago and was really impressed by most. Thinking back, I’m curious again and I should try some newer releases in the genre. :) Thanks for visiting!
All good reasons to avoid a book.
I like to think so. :) Thanks for visiting, Deanna.
Wishy washy heroines drive me crazy, too. It kind of makes me not trust them.
Right? That’s a great way to put it. I’m sure there are some I make an exception for, but the older I’ve gotten and the more selective I become (about the books I read), I’m less patient. :) Thanks for visiting, Nicole!
I agree with these. Wishy-washy heroines are so annoying! I want them to stay true to themselves.
Right? And MAKE A CHOICE, too! That’s a big one for me. :) Thanks for visiting, Cindy.
Agree with you on the dramatic breakup. I feel like half the time when it happens the ending is still just as happy. You just had one of the worst fights ever and your relationship ends with sunshine and butterflies? Doesn’t add up to me.
I think you’re right. The drama does tend to come nearer the end. I just think sometimes it feels like “too much” and yet I have watched How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days several times, so… ;) Thanks for visiting, Erica.
While I have several favorite series that have excessive profanity (usually in the crime fiction genre), I prefer books that have none at all. It grates on my ears IRL and on the screen and while it isn’t quite the same on the page for me, I still can very much do without it. I know most people don’t feel this way, but I do, and I’m glad I’m not the only one!
Happy TTT!
I totally get what you’re saying Susan. There is a different hearing vs reading. However I just am not into it. Feels more like “let’s fill up a page with words and half of them be swear words” rather than creative storytelling. :) Thanks so much for visiting, and I too am glad to now be alone!
Since I’ve started listening to audiobooks, ugly cover art bothers me less because if I like the sound of a book but don’t like the way it looks, I can just get the audiobook instead. I’m fairly flexible with genres and will try pretty much anything, but I generally won’t read romance (I have enjoyed the odd one, but it’s not a genre I reach for as I don’t like romance being the main plot point in a book), any kind of erotica and I’m quite picky about what I like in science fiction and horror. Wishy washy heroines also drive me mad.
*High Five* for the shared dislikes! I can see how an audio book would eliminate some of the cover art like or dislike. I actually listened to David Copperfield YEARS ago on a cassette tape and did think it was highly entertaining. Maybe someday I’ll try another classic since I don’t tend to read those. Thanks a bunch for visiting, Jo, as always. :)
Great list! Dramatic breakups are something that annoys me so much and it’s true they’re used in a lot of romance books for the third act drama – sometimes it works, mostly not so much.
Sometimes it does. I agree. Most of the time though I think it’s “all the same” and it’s a little annoying. ;) Thanks for visiting, Lindsey!!
I definitely have to agree with all of these. And especially with the genres – even though I love fantasy, I tend to avoid certain types of thrillers and most horror books because it just isn’t my kind of story.
I definitely have those genres I just cannot get into reading. And really, that’s ok! It is how it is. :)
Ooh, wishy-washy heroines or heroes is a great one! I don’t like that either. But I do love a dramatic break-up. Give me all the angst! Haha!
LOL. Sometimes that dramatic break up fits. ;)
The cover is definitely a big deal for me as well. Happy reading! https://readwithstefani.com/did-i-read-the-books-on-my-30-books-to-read-before-i-turn-30-list/
YES! I’m a self professed cover snob. ;)