

Goals are a weird thing. At least to me they are. I am still trying to figure out all the things that I prefer or how I “tick” as they say, but I think for me, one thing I don’t like is goals. At least in the long-term way of things. I like daily goals or weekly goals like tasks I want to accomplish during the week or reviews I want to write during any given week. I even like monthly things when it comes to scheduling out content for this blog (I don’t know how I survived before I did this!). But big goals like a reading challenge (because priorities, right?) or something that feels insurmountable freak me out. This because I know myself and I’d fail which would then depress me at year’s end. (Because it’d make me feel as though I failed.) Still, each year we look at some of our blog and reading goals 2025, and so today’s that is, well, the goal


ANOTHER YEAR. ANOTHER LIST OF NO READER GOALS. Talking #Goals for the blog and #reading in 2025 (aka basically the same as last year!). #Goal #Plans Share on X

In the last couple of years my reading goals have been a kind of “copy + paste” of prior years, and while easier for me, it’s boring for you all. Regardless of this, I’ll confess, the same-old list will likely emerge again this year. I have simple goals when it comes to reading and this space, although growth is always welcome. Still, I’ve talked for way longer than I intended, so lets get to the list. 



YEs ,this is me. I mean, yes, I do have ideas but to call them goals feels kind of big and almost too overwhelming. Plus, like I said, I just copy and paste goals from other years which means that this list is boring for readings. Still, we’ll share those repeat goals because for me, they’re kind of yearly expectations.


I go through times where I buy less books and it’s so good. Then I go through times when I buy more. I feel like I haven’t taken a break from buying for a while again, so I need to. Maybe in the first two months of this year I will!


Continuing to cut the collection is always a must.


I love that there are amazing people on social media, but there’s also too much on social media. There’s dishonest things and things that create all kinds of bad rhetoric, and then there are things that are just unnecessary. Either way, learning to limit my time is a big thing for me. I have on pretty much everything expect Instagram. Which I still scroll way too often. I think also, weirdly, there is an entire generation (just as the generation before them had something else) that has negatively been impacted by this overindulgence in social media. There’s also this odd sense of needing-to-know-everything-about-strangers and entitlement that has come with social media, too.


Last fall I was reading about an hour a day, and then the seasonal things came around which for me always means busier days (if not physically then certainly my thoughts since I’m trying to remember everything I have to get done or gifts to buy!) and therefore I don’t enjoy things (like reading) as much when there is other things to think about.


I think 2023 was maybe the year I started this and I was pretty strict with it in 2024, so now I want to again be strict this year. It’s been so helpful. All that’s required is a Microsoft calendar and taking a little time to sit down to plan; and I already have some things planned for February!

SCREEN breaks

Only did this once in 2024, despite wanting to sneak in at least two one-week sessions of it. Still I have aspirations for similar breaks this year!

TIME spent wisely

Time is something I think is a universal struggle. How do we balance it between what we love and work, who we love and life. It’s a battle for sure. I’ve read articles that a husband or wife will spend more time with a co-worker than they do with each other, and gosh, that’s not fun to think about. Especially when they are supposed to become the person who knows you, and vice versa, best. Figuring out balance and striking that is something I think I’ll always be trying to find a solution to.

Ok, it’s now your turn! What type of blog and reading 2025 goals do you have? Do you have lofty reading goals or none at all? Blog ideas? Plans for change? Growth? Comment all of your thoughts below! Let’s talk. 

Thank you for visiting; please return again soon. 


Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl January 14: Bookish Goals for 2025 (How many books do you want to read this year? Are you hoping to read outside your comfort zone? […] books you meant to read last year but never got to? Are there new-to-you authors you’re hoping to read?)

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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  1. I think getting back to enjoying reading is one of the themes coming out of a lot of lists today. Not feeling pushed to read a particular number, by a specific date or because you feel you ‘ought’ to. Personally, I like to set myself goals but I see these as encouragement rather than great weights on my mind and being part of an optimistic outlook on life. Tough at the moment with everything going on in the world, I acknowledge…

    1. Right? I’m seeing that too, Cathy! It’s funny because I thought that was a thing only I felt (in a big picture sense) so I’ll admit it’s nice to discover I’m not alone there. :) I think that’s fabulous that you like to set goals! I like goals when it comes to content here or planning a week (what “big” tasks do I need to accomplish, what do I need to publish or what do I need to shop for), but when it comes to LONG term goals, well those tend to “freak me out a bit.” ;) Hope you enjoy your goals in 2025.

  2. Honestly, I have the same reaction to reading goals. I must hold them lightly if I’m to hold them at all.

    I totally understand wanting to detox from social media. If you reach a point where you want to engage with it again, Mastodon is worlds better than places like Twitter or Instagram. (But no pressure, of course! You do what’s best for you. :) )

    1. I feel ridiculous posting on this week because I copy + paste the headings and add new thoughts beneath. Goes to show how rare goals are for me. ;)

      Thanks for the Mastodon info!! I do want to give a place like it or Threads (though I’m sure that’s similar to Instagram) a chance. I just have to remember. ;) I’m definitely curious (and that could have been one of my goals!). Thanks for visiting, as always.

    1. That’s awesome! I go long periods on Instagram without publishing (often). My focus is on publishing new things here daily… but I suppose if I never share it then no one knows what’s new. ;)

  3. I am task/goal oriented (within reason). So, I won’t make a bunch of goals unless I think I can complete them. Because, like you, it depresses me if I don’t reach them (and things are depressing enough!). I have a reading goal, I am participating in challenges, and I am culling the books! I am also trying to do less ARCs and buy less books, we’ll see how it all goes. I hope you find your love of reading again :) Winter is the perfect time to snuggle under a blanket with a good book.

    Cindy's Book Corner recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday-Bookish Goals 2025
    1. I do plan to start reading again (and it’s COLD here!) this year since I did take an hour a day in the fall before I gave that up in November/December since it felt like I had other things taking up time. Having “big” goals kind of freaks me out (although I do THINK about things I want to accomplish, I just don’t write them down) but I also know it’s healthy and good for us to sometimes do that thing or take that step that scares us. Otherwise we may miss that initial thing we wish we could accomplish. It’s definitely a lot to think about! Hope you accomplish all of your 2025 goals.

          1. It is! But it’s also not “normal” for us to be THIS cold all for all winter. We’re still below zero today which is our “coldest” day yet and then tomorrow it’s supposed to be 20-something for the high so that will feel tropical. ;) I’m not a fan of the cold so I’m glad this extreme only lasts a matter of days.

          2. Great strategy. :) I generally have stayed in too although I did go on a walk yesterday afternoon and was surprised that it didn’t feel terrible.

  4. Planning content has been a lifesaver for me. I completed a Blogmas challenge (self-induced) this past December, and the only way to survive is to plan content and then find ways to make it work. When December started, I had three posts left to write. I’m proud to say it worked, and I enjoyed the time away from blogging that it afforded me. I have rough ideas for posts for the next few months, but nothing firm.

    Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!

    1. That’s awesome, Pam! I’ve been able to take nearly the entire week off if I’m on a trip because I plan and it’s SO helpful vs trying to do “work” or publish these things while on the trip. Makes things, as you say, more enjoyable. Hope your 2025 post ideas go well. :)

    1. Thanks, Erin! I don’t do well with social media planning (yet) but do with the content here. So I’m constantly posting something here (at least daily) but sharing that elsewhere? That’s something I’d have to work on too! :)

    1. I did it once last year and LOVED it. It always reinforces my opinion and strong belief that as a culture or society we have assume that we can’t live without WAY too many things. ;) Social media is certainly one of the things we don’t “have” to have to live a good life.

  5. Planning content is incredibly helpful. I’m currently coming to you from a hospital bed but since all my content was planned, written, and scheduled, I didn’t have to worry about it this week. The only thing that has suffered is my number of visitors because it’s taking me awhile to get around to everyone.

    Social media does take up quite a bit of my time when I’m off work but on workdays I keep it to 30 minutes tops.

    Great goals and post!

    1. I agree with you about the visitors. That does take a hit if the blogger isn’t active, but sometimes that’s ok too. :) It’s all about perspective and realizing sometimes we need that break. Hope you’re healing well and doing okay, Carla. :)

  6. Social media has changed soooo much in the last 10 years. It’s not what it was when I started blogging. I only have Instagram now, but those Reels can really suck you in and waste a ton of time. Like you, I’d rather spend my time more wisely.

    1. Gosh, yes! Any video content feels like a BIG waste of time. Or at least I feel it is. It’s not that I don’t think there is valuable content on social media, but there’s an overabundance of it and for some reason, we cannot seem to manage our time more wisely. ;)

  7. I just purged some unread books I’m no longer interested in, so that goal is taken care of! My main goal for the year is to continue to whittle away at the books that have been on my review list the longest, while not neglecting my current ones. This involved fighting the FOMO and severely cutting back on what I sign up for. I did pretty good at this in 2024, and will continue in 2025. Of course, having KU helps me not miss out on the fun new indie books… but that also means less time spent on review books, which I am going to continue to aim for striking a balance on as a mood reader.

    1. YAY for making progress on/accomplishing a reader goal in 2024. That’s always a great feeling. Hope you are able to continue to make these goals in 2025. I do pretty well unhauling and I always “enjoy” dropping off boxes at a donation place and/or the library. I think my idea is always that hopefully someone else will find the book and either discover how good a story can be or just be able to add to their collection if they love books. :)

  8. Rissi, I actually loved your list, and really enjoy the idea of not looking at the goals as rigid rules, but more like flexible expectations that can be easily adjusted. That way, if I can’t get as far as I’d like, I’m not disappointed or discouraged. Good luck to both of us on reaching (or not reaching) our goals, as long as we enjoy the ride!

    Leah @ Leah's Books recently posted: Blacklight Born By Alexander Darwin
    1. Well said, Leah – and I wish you the same in reaching (or not!) our 2025 goals. So long as we have fun while accomplishing some of these, that’s what’s most important. I have a feeling we always do accomplish some things, we just maybe don’t always get to everything or sometimes we have to shift goals. :)

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