Starting any new show is always an interesting experiment. Sometimes because you don’t know what to expect and other times this is because you don’t expect to find a cute romance. In Wings I find the latter. This is why, we are putting out a feature on the romance of Joe Hackett and Helen Chapel.


OTP FAVORITE: HELEN CHAPEL and JOE HACKETT from WINGS. Revisiting the cute romantic moments between Helen and Joe from the 90s comedy Wings. #Romance #RomanceScenes #RomanticScenes Share on X

From the early days of 1990 TV, Wings follows brothers Joe and Brian as they try and make a go of a small charter airline on Nantucket. Making them a trio is Helen Chapel, the wanna-be cellist, girl they grew up with… and the girl Joe crushes on. Surprisingly, for a comedy show tagged a sitcom, there are some pretty cute romance scenes. Let’s spotlight these.



Episode: Season Two, Episode 22

After the pair decides to risk their friendship to date, Helen receives a chance to possibly play cello professionally. While the pair believe Helen should take this chance, a fight sparks up between them only for the opportunity to fall through. The damage is done. Helen still sets off for the city hoping to find success. Making a last effort to ask her to stay… before she boards her flight, Joe dashes after her and tells her he loves her, a sentiment she returns, but still leaves.


Episode: Season Five, Episode 24

Time passes and though Joe and Helen repair their friendship, that’s what they remain. As Helen is swept off her feet by a newcomer, and readies to marry, Joe again goes after her to make his declaration. Asking her not to marry, Joe arrives panting and sporting a twisted knee to the apartment building just in time to find Helen at the elevator. As Helen holds the up button and Joe has his arm in the door they bicker before Helen tells him to give her one good reason why she shouldn’t marry Davis.

“Marry me,” he says.

Though there is no eye contact, the scene is darling and charming as is the speech Joe shares when a stunned Helen lifts her finger off the button and the kiss they share inside that box. the romance of joe hackett and helen chapel


Episode: Season Six, Episode 15

As the pair bicker about wedding details and other silly things, they crash a wedding at a venue where Helen wants to hold the wedding. While there they discover that perhaps they break up the couple marrying. As they make an attempt to help the couple rediscover why they made vows in the first place, they end up reminding themselves why they fell in love and how they got to where they are. They are in love and happy and there’s a reason they are planning a wedding. A kiss seals the deal to remind them of their long and meaningful history.

There are other scenes between them that are lovely, but these are the ones we’re giving a shout-out to; and I have to admit, I think the proposal scene is one of the cutest in a long time. They have ups and downs and plenty of heartwarming moments, too.

Photos: NBC / Paramount+

Did you watch this show? Which moments do you love in the romance of Joe Hackett and Helen Chapel? Which scenes would you spotlight? Comment below all of your thoughts.

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.

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