When it comes to redemptive characters, well, I’m all for a grand story arc. However, meeting these characters in novels is not something I’m certain I’ve experienced. This could partly just be because I ignore some of these characters or perhaps their bad qualities. Instead, most of the characters I remember that fits a redemption character title would be from film or TV. This is what we’re looking at today.
REDEEMED CHARACTERS FROM FILM AND TV. Talking a rare few of the characters who are maybe redeemed from TV and film. Share on XSome of these characters may not be totally redeemed. Or don’t end up so since, in all transparency, some of these characters are people I haven’t seen their full story either because I haven’t read the novels (if the film is based on one) or I didn’t finish the TV show they feature in. Some are downright silly and others are more “serious” characters with potential to be villains. Either way, let’s just forge ahead and meet these people!
This dude has issues and some characterizations portray this more than others but I think part one of the film is setting up the story arc for Belle, and part two is like the redemption story arc for the Beast and the how of his change, plus the way Belle inspires him to change. For the most part though the adaptations I’ve seen do a great job redeeming him.

I never find Gru awful even when first meeting him. Partially this is because this is an animated flick and honestly there’s still so much to love about him even when he’s a baddie. There’s always that soft side that we see, he just doesn’t until Agnes and the girl’s came along.
Angelina Jolie makes Maleficent a kind of understandable villain. A Disney villainess, Maleficent is the nemesis of Aurora. In this live action version, she has emotions and is more interesting that we give her credit for.
Is this a character who really needs redemption? I’m not sure (I actually only watched seasons one and two), but I did see him mentioned in a “redemption” thread that I scanned in an effort to help me remember who I would put on a list like this. I don’t think he’s really the dude he pretends to be aka bad. Still we’ll include him because, like all characters should (good or “bad”), I think he learns things.

I’m not sure I’m going to say Jack is redeemed per se in any of the films I’ve remember (and my memory is fuzzy, so…) but I think he does surprise us in moments and makes us root him on because he does something good.
How many of these villains or redemption characters have you met? Which ones would you add? Which characters have you featured on your list? Comment all of your thoughts in the comment section!

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Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl September 17: Ten Characters Authors Surprisingly Redeemed (which characters did you not like at first, but grew to love by the end of the book?) (submitted by Deanna @ A Novel Glimpse)
The three characters that come immediately to mind for me when thinking about the redemption trope are 100% Killian Jones aka Captain Hook from Once Upon a Time, John Reese from Person of Interest, and Eliot Spencer from Leverage, but I do love the Beast as well 😊
Those are all GREAT ones. I just drew a BLANK with this topic so I didn’t do a good job with the list, but since this is all about silliness and having fun, I went ahead and published this anyway. I also always love Eliot. :)
I’ve always been a bit fuzzy about the timeline in the Disney version of Beauty and the Beast. In the intro to the movie, there’s mention that the prince turned away an old woman and, as such, was turned into the beast. And how that had happened ten years before the story. My question or confusion, is how old is this prince? If we believe he is in his early 20s, that is okay. That means he’s in his early 30s? Or is he now in his early 20s, which made him a teen when he turned away the woman? See my dilemma?
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
It’s been SO long since I saw any of the BATB versions BUT timelines in movies and TV shows bug me sometimes too. Maybe part of it is to do with the curse and he doesn’t age or something? I don’t know… but either way, you’ve reminded me that I MUST rewatch this timeless story again. :)
Gru is a great pick!
I thought so… he’s really just a loveable guy. ;)
I love your picks! Especially The Beast and Gru (so true that he was always quite loveable though) :)
He was! Even when he was TRYING so hard to be mean. ;)
Schmidt really annoyed me in the first seasons, especially his comments about women, but then he gets better.
Honestly, I do forget all the ups and downs of his character arc, but I do seem to recall liking him regardless of his character traits. Probably partially because I liked the actor in other roles. ;)
When I was searching for suitable characters for my post, I was tempted to add some from film too, but I’m even more blank on redeemed characters from film! 😂 You ended up with some good ones!
Thanks! I feel like I fail with character lists, but it’s about having fun so I go with it all anyway. ;)
A great list! New Girl is the only one I haven’t really seen. I watched a couple of episodes years ago but then drifted away from it.
I agree with the rest of the list 😊
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
I’ve drifted away from shows too. I start them too often and then never finish them. I’m trying to improve on this though unless I watch 2-3 episodes and don’t care for it. But if I’m 2-3 seasons in, I do try to finish the whole thing. We’ll see how long that new rule holds up! ;)
Schmidt really was a character you grew to love. I can’t image the show without all his quirks and I think he is one that gets better with each season (especially in the latter seasons because he made some terrible choices).
I don’t remember all the ups and downs of Schmidt but I do seem to remember liking him despite his flaws. I think a good character arc has characters with flaws, but also manage to still be likable. :)
I love this list! Gru had the best redemption arc, I loved Despicable Me!
He did! Such a fun character (and really not all that bad despite his claims ;D).