Christmas Checklist! All the Fun Things on the To Do List


With only a week left until Christmas, it’s time to take a look at my Christmas checklist 2018 and see what still requires a check mark. Though it’s a time for reflection, giving and family, Christmas is also many other things. One of them being that this is a busy time of year. Amid all of the joyous moments and wonderful quiet times, there’s also the hustle and bustle to get things done.

Every year, I feel as if I’m unprepared for Christmas. But this year is so different. By October (sometimes even September!) I’ve usually mapped out my Christmas cards, and know what I want. This year, that didn’t happen until November was nearly over. Normally in September or October, I’ve been eyeing the presents I want to get for those on my list, checking prices and even buying a few gifts here and there. This year, the first time I went Christmas shopping was December 13th. (Unless you count the measly few gifts I purchased on Black Friday online.)

Needless to say, this year has been vastly different.

Fan Girl Talk: Ranking the 2018 Hallmark Christmas Romances

This year my cards are more imperfect than ever, and my shopping game has clearly been “off.” But this year, I’m also learning to appreciate so many things, and realize that imperfections are sometimes, what gives something character.

Because 2018 wasn’t a normal year, I’m trying to remind myself that this is ok. Life happens, and sometimes that means we have to readjust our thinking – even if this means finding a new normal.

Despite the late starts, there are a few things I’ve managed to get done on my yearly (mostly mental!) checklist. Today I thought it’d be fun to take a peek at a little Christmas checklist 2018 edition, and see what still needs to be done. Because, why not remind myself of all the things left to do? *wink* T-minus 6 days!! Let’s do this.

Christmas Checklist 2018! All the Fun Things on the To Do List

Christmas Checklist 2018

1: BUY ALL THE GIFTS! (Not quite done with this one – another shopping trip is on tomorrow schedule, but I’m getting there; it earns a check mark, but no strike-through) ✓

2: Hang all the Decorations!

3: Decorate the Tree

4: Decorate My Mini Tree (WHAT IS WRONG WITH ME!? In fairness, I will say, I discovered my lights no longer work – and I cannot have a tree without twinkle lights)

5: Take all the Seasonal Bookstagram Pictures (I’ve taken a few)

6: Bake all the Cookies

7: Film December’s Wrap Up video

8: Wrap all the Presents (I think I’ve wrapped a grand total of three so far!)

9: Blast all the Christmas Music (since the beginning of December, this is a near daily occurrence) ✓

10: Drink all the Eggnog ✓

11: Finish Christmas Cards (done as of three hours ago!) ✓

12: Mail Christmas Cards

13: Read more Christmas books or novellas

14: Watch all the Hallmark Christmas movies (by this I mean, watch them as often as possible; and when I want *smile*)

The Princess Switch

15: Watch all the Netflix Christmas Movies

16: See Mary Poppins Returns in theaters

17: Remember to relax, enjoy time with family and enjoy the season!

…clearly I have plenty left to do. Fortunately, much of it is all of the fun tasks.

Talking all things #Christmas and the things STILL on my do-to list! Do you have a long list? Come by and share all the thoughts. Christmas Checklist 2018! All the Fun Things on the To Do List Click To Tweet

What does your Christmas Checklist 2018 look like? How many things have you checked off that list? Do you have an actual or mental check list? What are some of your best Christmas tips… and who else here loves to unwind with a good Christmas movie!? Comment all of your thoughts down below.

…and no matter how long our lists, let’s all remember, this is a season of joy and warmth. Don’t forget to enjoy its beauty. ♥

Thank you for visiting Finding Wonderland

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about Finding Wonderland’s changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Well…you’re ahead of me in wrapping. I’ve only wrapped two unless decorating mini stockings for grandkids count to put their gift card in. :) I have mailed my Christmas cards, all gifts are purchased and mailed. I have candy to make and my contribution for Christmas dinner to buy. I’m finally reading a Christmas novella. I keep both a mental and physical list. I need a visual for checking off. Plus I think it’s a 50’s thing. I start buying early. Usually in late summer. Mainly because we have six kids and twelve grandchildren. Since I’m pretty much done I can breathe until Sunday when we’ll get together with my husband’s side of the family.

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