Ten Armchair Adventures I want in My Life. A Top Ten Tuesday List.


Hey, readers and friends! Today’s Top Ten Tuesday February 26 2019 edition lets us go on a bit of an armchair adventure.

That Artsy Reader Girl | February 26: Places Mentioned In Books That I’d Like to Visit (submitted by Georgia)

Ten Armchair Adventures I want in My Life | Top Ten Tuesday February 26. Talking all the armchair adventures & places I'd like to *someday* (aka wish list) visit.

My list today isn’t unique in that I feature fantasy worlds that aren’t a reality, which I kind of feel like that’s more along the lines of what this prompt is calling for. I’m just not that imaginative, I guess. Especially when it comes to fantasy worlds; they’re not really my cup of tea nor is the genre in general. So, because of this, my list is realistic in that I could visit these places. But in all likelihood? Most I’ll never see. Because that’s just the reality of it. (Still, let’s never say never. *smile*)

Nonetheless, I can visit them through these worlds, and oh my! What a world they paint.

Here’s we go! Let’s go on an armchair adventure (or two). Forgive the graphics/white balance/grainy photos today. I’ll again blame the procrastinator in me. 

Top Ten Tuesday February 26

1: 221 B Baker Street from Sherlock Holmes | I’ve never read a single Sherlock Holmes book, but given the films or TV series I have seen in this setting, it’s safe to say that visiting this place would be cool. Goodreads

2 & 3: Beast’s Castle and Belle’s Library from Beauty and the Beast | This one is obvious! Also, maybe I do have more “fantasy” places on my list that I realized…! Rent or Buy on Amazon Video (2017) | Buy on Amazon Video (1991) | Amazon (Illustrated Edition) | Goodreads top ten tuesday february 26

Top Ten Tuesday February 26

4: England a la My Lady Jane | Visiting England is a wish list dream of mine, but if I were to visit England in a time period during which beheadings were considered entertainment (why!?), I feel like the My Lady Jane world would be the way to go. Goodreads

5: The Galaxy from Guardians of the Galaxy | Technically this one isn’t a bookish place, but we’re going with it. Rent or Buy on Amazon Video (movie one) | Rent or Buy on Amazon (sequel, ‘Vol. 2’)

Talking #travel and all the bookish things in a new edition of #TopTen Tuesday February 26 edition. Ten Armchair Adventures I want in My Life | Top Ten Tuesday Click To Tweet

6: Guernsey Island from The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society | Who wouldn’t want to visit this island and meet all of these lovely people? They’re like the best friends we never knew we needed. Goodreads

NETFLIX REVIEW | The Guernsey Literary & Potato Peel Pie Society: Hope and Heart

7: Madam Geraldine’s Finishing Academy for Young Ladies of Quality from Etiquette and Espionage | This series has been on my shelf for quite some time, and still I haven’t read it. But it sounds fun! Goodreads

8: Mary Poppins London from Mary Poppins | *happy sigh* Because who wouldn’t want to visit one of Mary Poppins’ magical adventures!? Goodreads | Own Mary Poppins Returns on Amazon Video

9: Narnia from The Chronicles of Narnia | Pretty sure this is on every bookworm’s wish list. Goodreads | Rent or Buy ‘Narnia’ on Amazon Video top ten tuesday february 26

10: Pemberley from Pride and Prejudice | Another one that needs no explanation. Goodreads | Own on Amazon Video (2005)

Top Ten Tuesday February 26

11: Prince Edward Island from (Anne of Green Gables) Red Door Inn | Sadly, I don’t think I’ve ever read the ‘Anne’ books. (I know.) But I do love this place thanks to the Sullivan adaptations of the books, and Liz Johnson’s lovely ‘Red Door’ series! Goodreads

12: Sherwood Forest from (Sherwood*) Robin Hood | This one is an odd addition considering a. I haven’t read Meghan’s Sherwood novel, but given that I love the Sherwood Forest world in BBC’s Robin Hood, I’m hopeful I’d enjoy this one! Goodreads | Own on DVD (BBC series)

(*Yes, the book in the photo is Hunted. It’s all I currently own of Meagan’s fairy tale re-tellings!)

What places from books make you want to book a ticket or find your passport? Are they attainable places or wish list destinations? Have you read any of these? Share all the thoughts below! I’d love to chat with you.

If you joined Top Ten Tuesday – or have a blog, please introduce yourself below. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces, too.

Thank you for visiting

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about these changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Great list! I’ve been to PEI several times because I don’t live too too far from it. It’s beautiful and lots of Anne tourist stuff there, of course! I would love to visit Belle’s Library too! That’s a great one!

    1. Hi, Chrissi. Thanks – and thanks for the visit too. As for Narnia, would that we could, like Lucy and her siblings, simply “fall” into Narnia for a day. Or two. :D

  2. I can’t believe I forgot to add Guernsey to my list this week! Isn’t it interesting how our relationships with people can affect how we feel about a place? PEI made my list this week too. Pemberley would be absolutely lovely to visit. And I’m pretty sure if I visited the Beast’s castle I would never leave the library.

    1. I forget to add titles/characters/places every week, Brittaney. It’s interesting how books can affect us, no matter the season in our lives. I’ve recently found I don’t do well with sad books, which is a reflection of things in my family’s life these past couple of years.

      PEI looks stunning, and of course, who doesn’t want to see Pemberley!? Same. I have a feeling we’d get the good kind of “lost” in the castle that Beast owns. :)

      Thanks for the visit!

  3. I only vaguely remember the particulars of 221B Baker Street from audiobooking Sherlock Holmes as a young kid. I do remember really enjoying the mysteries themselves, though! I feel like it would be really messy… I just sort of picture piles of paper everywhere.

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