Waiting on Wednesday: Edition Twenty-Eight


Hello friends. I feel like I’ve joined Waiting on Wednesday a lot lately. Usually, the only consistent meme around here is Top Ten Tuesday. But it felt like a “let’s put together a ‘WOW’ post.” So I did. Tomorrow I should have a new review ready to publish, so swing back to discover what that is. Until then, let’s talk all the fun bookish things – aka new books!! That’s always a win I think.

Waiting on Wednesday: Twenty-Seventh EditionIt’s Wednesday which means there’s another fun meme that bloggers enjoy taking part in. Today’s feature is all about the books we’re “Waiting On” with Can’t Wait Wednesday; a meme Finding Wonderland occasionally takes part in.

Organized by the lovely Tressa of Wishful Endings, here’s another edition of Can’t Wait Wednesday.

Waiting on Wednesday: Twenty-Eighth Edition

Can’t-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme hosted here to spotlight and talk about the books we’re excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they’re books that have yet to be released as well. It’s based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine. (Find out more here.)

After several weeks of sharing my favorite genre (contemporary), I’m breaking free!! Today, my feature reminds me of The Selection, which is one of my most favorite “guilty pleasure” reads because it’s entertaining, knows that’s its purpose, and I love it for that. Although to be honest, I’m a little confused about this one. Is it a dystopian or straight up historical? It’s tagged as YA historical, so I’m hoping for the latter. I think I’d enjoy it more if this is true!

Anyway, we feature a debut author today, Autumn Krause will become a published author with her YA novel A Dress for the Wicked. Not only is the cover lovely, but the synopsis sounds really interesting. Maybe a little bit of Devil Wears Prada from a historical perspective!? I’m in… obviously.


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Author: Autumn Krause | Publisher: HarperTeen
Genre: Fiction; Young Adult Historical | Publication Date: August 2019

Nothing much happens in the sleepy town of Shy in Avon-upon-Kynt. And for eighteen years, Emmaline Watkins has feared that her future held just that: nothing.

But when the head of the most admired fashion house in the country opens her prestigious design competition to girls from outside the stylish capital city, Emmy’s dreams seem closer than they ever have before.

As the first “country girl” to compete, Emmy knows she’ll encounter extra hurdles on her way to the top. But as she navigates the twisted world of high fashion she starts to wonder: will she be able to tailor herself to fit into this dark, corrupted race? And at what cost? – Goodreads

Amazon | Goodreads

Like I said, I’m in for this one. A blend of The Selection and Devil Wears Prada (my words) is all I need to know. 

PS: Before you go

you can enter the June Book Giveaway!

please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about Finding Wonderland’s changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

Comment down below with your thoughts (do you like these types of stories – or have you read Autumn’s debut? what did you feature today? if you would, share all your bookish thoughts below!), Waiting on / Can’t Wait Wednesday blog links or anything else bookish. I’d look forward to chatting all things bookish with you.

I’ll be glad to visit your blogs, too; it might take me a week to circle around. Still, I look forward to visiting.

Thank you for visiting Finding Wonderland. 
PSS: if you’d like to have Finding Wonderland’s new content sent to your inbox; sign up for our once (or twice) monthly round up of new content. (In order to sign up, an automated email will ask you to confirm a subscription via email.) If you’d like to have this newsletter sent to your inbox, you can enter your email address here.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


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