Some of the Most Anticipated 2020 Books I’m Excited For: Part 2
It’s the midway point of 2020 (!!!) and we’re primed and ready to do what we do best: take about anticipated books. Or more specifically Anticipated Books of 2020, part 2 since we’ve already talked about our January – June (or thereabouts) excitement.
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Below is a bit of an eclectic selection of books because while I have my favorite overall, contemporary fiction, I do enjoy a historical novel once in a while, so long as it’s the “right” kind of historical. These aren’t going to necessarily be books I end up for sure reading/buying because I’ll read more about them as their release dates draw closer, which makes them more in line with books I’m curious about than for sure going to read. For now, they either draw me in by their cover or do sound good and fun.
Let’s toss some confetti and get excited for the books we’ll add to our shelves – and best of all READ, during these latter months of 2020.
Sorted by release date; and then author a-z
1: The Crushing Depths, Dani Pettrey
Yes I do share this one in my Booktube video, but as today (the 30th) is this books release date, I simply had to share it as a little birthday celebratory statement. Goodreads
2: Paris is Alaways a Good Idea, Jenn McKinlay (July)
Don’t know much about this one, but it’s PARIS, so it sounds fun and yet also as if it will have a heavier topic given the heroine’s work. Goodreads
3: To Love a Prince, Rachel Hauck (August)
I really enjoyed Rachel’s prior ‘royal’ romance novels, so to see her create a second series centered on royals is fun. Goodreads
4: Bookish and the Beast, Ashley Poston (August)
I feel odd adding this one considering I haven’t yet read anything by this author, and therefore, who knows if I’ll like her writing. That said, this one sound fun, so… we’re going with it. Goodreads
5: As Easy as Cherry Pie, Bell Renshaw (August)
This one sounds darling and given how much I enjoyed As Easy As Riding a Bike, I’m anxious to read Bell’s follow up cute romance. Goodreads

6: Well Played, Jen DeLuca (September)
Oh, look! Another book by an author I haven’t read yet. But as I said at the beginning, just because I’m excited about some of these doesn’t mean I’ll buy and/or read them. Goodreads
7: The Code for Love and Heartbreak, Jillian Cantor (October)
An Emma (Jane Austen) with tech expertise. It sounds darling. Goodreads
Some of the Most Anticipated 2020 Books I’m Excited For: Part 2. Talking anticipated book of 2020, part 2 that I'm curious about! #WhattoRead #NewBooks #TopTenTuesday #BookNerd Share on X8: Jane in Love, Rachel Givney (October)
In this contemporary romance, Jane Austen travels to our modern world where she finds love. I’m SO hopeful this one will be a tribute to Austen and her style despite its contemporary setting because golly, it sure sounds cute. Goodreads
9: Love Your Life, Sophie Kinsella (October)
Yes, Sophie Kinsella is another author whose books I have not read. Still, they sound fun, so why not add her latest to the stack of books I’m interested (and hopefully will enjoy) in reading. Goodreads
10: In a Holidaze, Christina Lauren (October)
When it comes to this one I have a strong feeling the tag of I-don’t-care-for-this-book will be attached. This because I’ve read one and a half books by this writing duo, and just cannot like their novels. (No matter how much I want to.) That said, I’m adding this one because it’s a seasonal read which we all know I’m a softie for, and I’d like to think if any of their novels can win me over, it’d be this. Goodreads

11: A Cuban Girl’s Guide to Tea and Tomorrow, Laura Taylor Namey (October)
Haven’t read The Library of Lost Things, but this follow-up novel by the same author looks so dang cute! I couldn’t help but bend to the peer pressures of its cuteness; and it sounds it too. Goodreads
12: The Cul-De-Sac War, Melissa Ferguson (November)
Is it cool that I’m excited about this one having not read Melissa’s debut (yet)? Cannot wait to meet Chip and Bree. Goodreads
13: Things We Didn’t Say, Amy Green (November)
A new epistolary novel by a debut author (who is actually a publicist with the publisher where her book is being published), this is a historical novel I’m quite curious about. Do you like the epistolary style? Goodreads
14: Instant Karma, Marissa Meyer (November)
Is it odd that I’ve never read a novel by Marissa Meyer, but am still pumped about this one? If you’re curious as to “why,” it’s because this one is a contemporary novel – which will be a genre debut for this author, and is of course, my favorite of them all! Goodreads
15: The Dress Shop on King Street, Ashely Clark (December)
A debut (of a full-length novel), this is historical fiction about a woman who pins “all her hopes on a future in fashion design.” Sounds really interesting and I love that it has an angle on the world of fashion in a historical setting. Goodreads
What about you? Which second-half-of-the-year Anticipated Books of 2020 are YOU most excited for? Are any of these on your list? What titles made your list? Comment all of your thoughts down below.
Thank you for visiting!
Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl and Top Ten Tuesday June 30: Most Anticipated Releases for the Second Half of 2020
Paris Is Always A Good Idea does sound quite good. I went over to Goodreads to check it out and yup- that sounds like it has lots of potential. Gonna add that one I think. :)
Thanks and have a super week!
I think so too! Hope we both enjoy, Greg – and thanks for the visit. :)
Oooo some great books and gorgeous covers! Hurriedly adding to my TBR as I read these lists! Thanks for sharing and Happy TTT!
My list is here
I love a good cover – and yes, many of these feature some really pretty ones. :) Thanks for the visit.
Paris is Always a Good Idea sounds like a good idea to me, always!
YES! Love how you put that, Marg. So true. :)
I hope you enjoy all of these titles!
My TTT .
Thank you, Lydia. I hope so too.
Great list! I love the covers for all of these books ? I’m such a sucker for a good cover and I feel like adding all of these to my TBR based on them alone! LOL I had Well Played on my list too and I’m so excited for it! Hope you enjoy all these reads :)
SAME, Dini. Same. I’m a cover snob, so those with pretty designs are forever and always “click bait” for me. ;) Hope you enjoy all of your anticipated reads, too – and thanks for the visit!
I wasn’t aware of many of these books, but they all look so good! I’ll definitely add it to my tbr
YAY for stacking up that TBR. Hope you find some to enjoy, Allison. :)
How did I not know Sophie Kinsella had a new book?? I’ve enjoyed the three stand-alones I’ve read from her, some more than others, but she’s always a good escape. I’m off to look this one up! Great list!
I’ve never read a novel by Sophie, but they always sound cuute! Hoping I’ll give some of her books a read someday. :) Thanks for visiting, Dedra.
I can’t wait for Bookish and the Beast.
Here is our Top Ten Tuesday. Thank you!
It looks SUPER cute. :)
Well Played made my list today, too. I hope we both love it!
Same! Hope we both enjoy these reads – though first I need to read “Well Met.” ;)
I am VERY excited for Well Played and The Roommate!
I haven’t read Jen DeLuca’s first novel, but I hope to soon and therefore, I’m eager for this second book too. Hope we enjoy these anticipated reads – and thanks so much for the visit, Amber! :)
I normally don’t love contemporary romance, but I’m going to have to check out Jane in Love!
Here’s my list:
I thought that one sounded/looked REALLY good. Hope you enjoy if you read it, Cindy. :)
Great list! Well Played made my list this week, too, and In a Holidaze looks so festive and fun.
I agree! Christina Lauren’s looks way festive. Hoping its the book that I like from them. :) Thanks for the visit, Jess.
I can’t wait for the new Sophie Kinsella book!
I didn’t know it existed until putting this together, but it looks cute. :)
I can’t wait to cuddle up and read In A Holidaze this winter!
It sounds cuuute! I’m hoping this just MAY be the book that helps me to like this author writing duo. :)
The cover for Paris is AMAZING, as is Bookish and the Beast! And Cuban Girl’s Guide! Honestly they are just a few in a sea of beautiful covers you have here! I am curious about Bookish and the Beast and Cuban Girl’s Guide too! Great choices!
I’m all about a good Paris story, and who doesn’t love a solid re-telling? YES! Doesn’t ‘Cuban Girl’ look fun?? Eager to learn more about that one. :) Thanks so much for the visit, Shannon.