Five of the Best Charming and Snow Moments (OTP Favorite!)


Much as I love fairy tales, I’m going to be upfront. I did not finish watching the once popular ABC serial, Once Upon a Time. I started season one, quite excited because of my love of the genre, and really, mostly impressed with the way they co-mingle so many famous Disney fairy tales. Today, in celebration of Valentine’s Day, we’re jumping back into a feature here with a Once Upon a Time OTP favorites Prince Charming and Snow.

LIST | Seven of the Best Kensi and Deeks’ Moments (OTP Favorite!)

Much as I did enjoy season one of this show, and perhaps some of the others, too, I have to be honest, reading what the writer’s eventually do to some of our favorite characters made me mad. Therefore, I haven’t gone back into this world to complete the seasons. Nonetheless, there is plenty of romance in this show. One of them being the romance between Ginner Goodwin’s Snow White and Josh Dallas’ Prince Charming. Their love story is unique in that it has two timelines, and while the fairy tale one tends to be more romantic because it’s a fairy tale, the modern timeline has its moments too. Sometimes it’s just tough to know which comes first.

“I will find you. I will always find you.” – Prince Charming

The running theme of their love story is a variation of the phrase “I’ll always find you.” Sometimes it’s Snow promising it, other times it’s Charming or James as is his name, making this vow to Snow. Either way, they both protect each other in love. Let’s get to looking at a few of their sweet love story moments.


Spoilers to follow

1: Keeping Vigil

When: Season One

During various season one scenes, the modern day Snow who is known as Mary Margaret keeps vigil beside the bedside of an amnesiac patient who no one knows the identity of. Still, there’s something about this stranger that brings her back time and again. She reads to him, feeling a connection and eventually, he responds to her voice by touching her hand. They’re lovely albeit a bit heartbreaking scenes.

2: The Iconic Kiss

When: Episode 1, Season One

Five of the Best Charming and Snow Moments (OTP Favorite!). Spotlighting the favorite Once Upon a Time romance.
Five of the Best Charming and Snow Moments (OTP Favorite!). Spotlighting the favorite Once Upon a Time romance.

There’s always THE iconic kiss in any Snow White story I’ve seen. This is the “waken” kiss where the handsome prince comes to the rescue of a sleeping princess. The filming and production of this one is also quite pretty.

3: “I love you… I will always find you.”

When: Episode 16, Season One

“I love you, Snow. – Charming
“But I don’t love you. I don’t even remember you.” – Snow White

This is one of those really emotional, charming and sweet moments. Full of range for what the Queen is trying to do in her kingdom, Snow makes ready to eliminate her with her steady hand and bow. Soon as she lets go of the arrow, Charming makes it just in time to step in front of the arrow and take the hit. Furious, Snow questions him, to which he replies “I love you, Snow,” and he’s determined NOT to let her become dark in this quest. As Snow recognizes the weight of this, with tears, she leans in and kisses the man who is willing to die for her. otp favorites prince charming and snow

Their reunion is cut short when soldiers break them apart, taking with them James (Charming) and leave Snow behind as she assures him she will “always find you.”

4: Half Hearts

When: Episode 19, Season Three

Snow and Charming cling to one another in a dramatic moment played by Ginnifer Goodwin and Josh Dallas in Once Upon a Time. Photo: ABC
Photo: ABC / Disney

On Twitter, one of my author friends mentioned this moment as a favorite. To be honest, I’m not sure I’ve even watched the third season. But Karin points out the moment when Snow and Charming share a heart. It’s sweet if not quite emotional! It all begins when Charming convinces Snow to crush his heart, which will kill him, in order to save their unborn child and make useless a curse. But as she holds his lifeless body, and unable to live with the thought of Charming not in her life, Snow begs her stepmother, Regina, so split her heart in two so they can share a heart.

Surprisingly, the normally heartless woman does this, inspired by the strength and faith that is Snow and Charming’s love. Lying next to him, Snow watches as Regina does as she asks. David wakes and the two share an emotional true love’s kiss.

5: The Beginning

When: Episode 22, Season Three

In the third season end of Once Upon a Time, we see how Snow and Charming’s real storybook romance begins. They find themselves needing to work together as almost outlaws, and Snow winds up saving Charming from a group of trolls. After she does, the pair makes plans to go their separate ways, and when Snow tells him if ever he “needs anything,” he tells her he’ll find her, as “always.”

Which then brings us back to their first scenes together, and is a nice place to leave off on the beginning of this fairy tale.

There’s a close to yet another OTP installment – is it cool to admit I think I’m going to have fun with these? Do you have a favorite couple from ‘Once’ or moment between these two specifically? What are your thoughts on this OTP favorites Prince Charming and Snow? Comment all of your thoughts below.

Photos: ABC / Disney


Five of the Best Charming and Snow Moments (OTP Favorite!). Spotlighting the favorite Once Upon a Time Romance of Charming and Snow.
Five of the Best Charming and Snow Moments (OTP Favorite!). Spotlighting the favorite Once Upon a Time romance. #Oncer #OnceUponaTime #PrinceCharming #TVShows #Disney #Romance #Fairytale Share on X

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Have an idea for this feature? Is there a certain couple you’d like to see featured? Or something else? Would you like to guest write about a favorite couple? Contact Finding Wonderland at any of our social medias, email or via our contact us page to make suggestions!

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I ADORE this series, and got so excited when I saw this installment was dedicated to Snowing!!

    As someone who has more or less watched pretty much the entire show, I would agree that the scenes you chose to highlight are definitely at the top of their most significant & romantic. I believe from this list, my personal favourite would have to be the heart-split (I mean, if that isn’t the most supreme example of true love, then I don’t know what is! ?)

    Other moments I really love are when Snow is being poisoned by the apple in the S1 finale and Charming literally feels the pain along with her, when they make being separated by a sleeping curse in S6 (where as soon as one wakes up, the other one immediately falls asleep) and taking care of their baby somehow work, and lastly when Snow wakes Charming up with a kiss in the S6 finale in a pitch-perfect role reversal of the Iconic Kiss scene you have at Number 2.

    To close, I very much enjoyed this post, and am looking forward to finding out which couple is going to be spotlighted next ?

    1. I almost scrapped this (for now) because a: it’s been a LONG time since I watched OUAT and b: I know there are MANY scenes between these two I haven’t seen yet. But… I went ahead anyway. ;)

      Someone mentioned that one on Twitter and while I don’t think I’ve gotten to that point in the show yet, I did find the video online, so that was helpful. I did catch the sleeping curse clip too! I know there’s LOTS more that goes into that moment. Love hearing your thoughts on some of their best moments, Kirtsy. I do have fun with these… it’s just always a challenge to decide what to include or to find the balance of “enough” or too few moments. :D

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