
Laughter is good for the soul. Or so the saying goes. In many ways I do believe this. There’s nothing quite like real laughter, no matter if it’s the smallest thing to instigate it. Because laughter is never out of style, today we’ll take a look at some of the books that make me laugh out loud. Or at least the books I think did since I had to go back in the archives and try to remember my reactions while reading said books.

LIST | 20+ Titles to Read or Watch to Fill our ‘To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before’ Void

These might not make me laugh today (though I’m betting they would!), but look back on my review archives, they seem like the books that did evoke laughter as I read them. Sometimes I wonder if I’d re-read some of these books if my reaction would be the same. But then, other times, I’m glad I’m not a re-reader because I prefer to have my high opinion of the books. And I think that’s enough. In a list such as this I like to think I could create a list full of many titles (because shouldn’t most books make us laugh?), but as usual, I put these together last minute and therefore put pressure on myself. Despite this, I still strive for a decent selection and so without further ado, I present said list to you.

Not that long ago, I also created a pretty extensive list of funny happy books or books I hope are funny list, which is, for me, still pretty relevant!


1: Pretty in Punxsutawney, Laurie Boyle Crompton

Don’t remember specifics on this one, but I remember being curious and enjoying the plot. Goodreads

2: 10 Blind Dates, Ashley Elston

This one follows a girl whose nosy family sets her up on 10 blind dates, which is, as we all know, the perfect fodder for comedy! Goodreads

3: Tweet Cute, Emma Lord

Another one I cannot remember for certain, but feel like Emma’s 2020 novel had some laugh out loud moments! Goodreads

4: Once Upon a Prince, Rachel Hauck

This is one of the rare novels I’ve read twice. I cannot remember for sure but I think it’s also one that makes me laugh – a lot! It’s also one of the books that I love WAY more as a book than adaptation. Goodreads

5: A Girl’s Guide to the Outback, Jessica Kate

I almost didn’t include this one for one reason and that is, there are quite a few emotional issues in this novel that deals in tough (and sometimes SAD) issues. But there’s also some really joyful and hilarious moments. It’s these that earns this one its place. Goodreads

BOOKS THAT MAKE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. Sharing some of the books that have made me LOL (and some I hope do!). Text © Rissi JC
BOOKS THAT MAKE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. Sharing some of the books that have made me LOL (and some I hope do!). #TopTenTuesday #BookLove #BookTwitter #Books #BookWorm #Readers #Reading Click To Tweet

6: Geek Girl, Holly Smale

I LOVE these books so much. They feature a younger heroine than most YA novels (I think she’s fifteen?), but the giggles are a plenty. Goodreads

7: Made to Last, Melissa Tagg

To be honest, I don’t know which of Melissa Tagg’s books have made me laugh more. Might be this (her debut) or it may be one of her more recent releases. Either way I know she has SKILL in this area and I don’t think I feature this novel nearly as often as her others. Goodreads

8: The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck, Bethany Turner

This book made me giggle SO much while reading it! It’s a fun, entertaining romance that is, for the inspirational genre, quite different from the norm. Goodreads

9: Her One and Only, Becky Wade

To be honest, I feel as though there are more than one of Becky’s books that would fit on this list, however, if my memory serves me right, this one might be the better fit as it features a woman (in a bodyguard role) trying to protect a male client, which would make for some pretty great witty banter! Goodreads

10: The Inconvenient Marriage of Charlotte Beck, Kathleen Y’Barbo

I have this distinct memory of putting this title on a similar list already. Perhaps I’ve already done this topic? *shrugs* I don’t know, but either way, this book (and likely others by this author; yes I went through a reading-all-of-the-inspy-old-west phase) did make me LOL. A lot. Goodreads


1: The Code for Love and Heartbreak, Jillian Cantor

This one looks like fun (as all of these do), but more than that, I love the idea of it being an Austen (Emma) re-telling. There’s nothing funnier than Emma Woodhouse’s not-so-subtle matchmaking! Goodreads

2: [Anything by] Melissa Fergunson

Both of Melissa’s books are on my shelf and they sound like SUCH fun. I cannot wait to read them both, and anticipate LOTS of laughs in store. Melissa on Goodreads

3: Save the Date, Morgan Matson

I mean, just the cover alone makes me hopeful this one will be hilarious! Goodreads

BOOKS THAT MAKE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. Sharing some of the books that have made me LOL (and some I hope do!). Text © Rissi JC

4: My Lady Jane, Jodi Meadows & Cynthia Hand & Brodi Ashton

This one always sounds HILARIOUS (a rarity I think for historical fiction)! That said, I still haven’t read this book, even all of these years later. Goodreads

5: I See London, I See France, Sarah Mlynowski

Zero idea if I’d like this one, but its title makes me laugh. I feel like that’s a decent start. Goodreads

6: The Tourist Attraction, Sarah Morgenthaler

I hope this one makes me laugh out loud because I love the sound of it, and am always and forever here for a solid romantic-comedy read! Goodreads

7: She’s the Worst, Lauren Spieller

This title makes me laugh, and the cover looks to convey this feeling too. That said, as it’s about sisters, I also have the feeling it’ll be a kind of sister story with heart, too. Goodreads 

What did you include on your list? Have you read any of these? Do you prefer not to re-read to keep your first impression intact? What kinds of books make you laugh out loud? Comment all of your thoughts below; I’ve love to chat, and visit your web spaces too! (It may take me a while, but I’ll get there!)


BOOKS THAT MAKE ME LAUGH OUT LOUD. Sharing some of the books that have made me LOL (and some I hope do!). Text © Rissi JC

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About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. That’s ok! We all like something different. I prefer funny (or more lighthearted reads) but I have Twitter book friends who prefer more serious fiction. Just a difference in reading taste. :) Thanks for the visit, Anne!

    1. Really!? That’s fun! I don’t think I’ve looked up reviews for “10 Blind Dates,” but it’s certainly worth it as as fun read. :) Thanks for the visit.

  1. Will definitely be checking in to most of these. I just finished a very funny, witty and romantic “box set” of Jane Austen adaptations by Gigi Blume. The set was called Backstage Romance. The first, the Pride and Prejudice adaptation called Love and Loathing, was my favorite, but all four were good. I’ll definitely re-read them. They are set in the world of theater and film and I found that delightful. Blume’s style is witty and her characters are entrancing.

    1. Oooo! The books you just read sound like all kinds of fun, Heather. Glad to know you recommend them; I’m always excited for a good Austen re-telling. :) Thanks for the visit.

    1. YAY! I’m hopeful “Tourist Attraction” is something I’ll really enjoy. I’ve been pretty excited about it for a while now. :) Thanks for the visit, Lindsey.

    1. I haven’t read any of the Janie books either, Brooke, but they LOOK hilarious, and like you, I’ve heard they’re funny, too. :) Thanks for the visit.

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