STORY: Her past isn’t something Kadance Tolle likes to remember and re-live. Trained as a CIA sniper, she has no attachments save for her fierce orange cat, Mac. By sheer happenstance, she meets Lyndon Vaile, a genius with more than one degree, and with her training, she saves him from an attempt on his life. never miss
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‘NEVER MISS’: A NEW DEBUT NOVEL WITH A VIRAL ATTACK #BookReviews #SuspenseFiction Share on XAs their lives intertwine, they discover there’s possibly a dangerous bio attack aimed at leadership in Washington D.C.
Never Miss, by Melissa Koslin | Book Review

REVIEW: A debut novel from a new Revell author, I’m always curious to read something from a new author from a favorite publisher. This is one of those novels that really isn’t quite what the synopsis makes it sound. The synopsis makes us believe the story will fight against a viral attack; of course, this does play into the plot, but it’s not as prominent as one might assume.
“But this? This overwhelmed her.”
Unfortunately, this isn’t really a book for me because of the following reasons. The story focuses mostly on the characters through conversation, which isn’t bad, but it lends itself to repeat information. While focusing on the characters, the interaction between Kadance and Lyndon also doesn’t thrill me. I like them, it’s just together, I don’t “feel” their connection. Lyndon is way to analytical, but since I listened to part of this as an audio book, and maybe it’s how the Lyndon’s part is read (too matter of fact?) that affects me. Finally, I also don’t care for the one “big” conversation regarding Christianity. How Lyndon sees God just isn’t admirable.
There’s an interesting twist halfway through and the book has some breath-catching moments to wrap up.

Author: Melissa Koslin
Publisher: Revell
Source: Publisher provided – thank you!
Publication Date: 2021
Add the Book: Goodreads
Genre: Fiction; Contemporary Mystery
Rating: ★★★
Content: if it’s not your thing, this book focuses a lot on the physical aspect of attraction (mentions of figures, etc.). Also, a woman lived with someone.
Sincere thanks to Revell for a complimentary copy of Never Miss – all opinions are my own.
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