New Novels for the First Half of 2020 to Enjoy, Part One
It’s a New Year (Roaring 20s here we come…!) and like anything that’s “new,” with it comes the arrival of new possibilities as can only be imagined in a little thing we all love: STORY! In this New Year 2020, there will be plenty of imaginative adventures to go on, which is why we’re showcasing a few of the anticipated novels of 2020, part one!
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In this “part one” list, we come books releasing from January – June, with a “part two” to this specific list coming to the booktube channel on Thursday. After that, of course come June or thereabouts, I’ll share a list of latter half 2020 reads to anticipate. But that’s for a later date.
Below, you’ll see a variety of styles, genres and armchair adventures. At least I think so. Now it’s time to present…
1: A GIRL’S GUIDE TO THE OUTBACK, By Jessica Kate (January)
The sophomore novel by a 2019 debut author, this contemporary romcom sounds like so much fun. Plus, anyone who follows Jessica’s Instagram (or her StoryNerds podcast) will know she has great taste in romantic-comedies and TV, which can mean only one thing: she’s a grand story-teller. Goodreads
2: OF CURSES AND KISSESS, By Sandhya Menon (February)
I’m not sure if it’s just being a bookworm or if it’s a tiny bit odd that I’m posting this one up. I say this because I still have not read a novel by Sandhya. That said, her books sound delightful and the fact that this is a Beauty and the Beast re-telling (!) set at a boarding school (!!) makes it all the more appealing. Goodreads
3: THE LAND BENEATH US, By Sarah Sundin (February)
Anything Sarah Sundin pens is historical fiction (WWII) brilliance. Alas I have as yet to read the series this third ‘Sunrise at Normandy’ title completes, but I certainly anticipate doing so. Goodreads

4: MOMENT OF TRUTH, By Kasie West (March)
Much as I wish this hadn’t been re-titled, I’m still excited to read this one! Goodreads
5: WHAT I LIKE ABOUT YOU, By Marissa Kanter (April)
Know next to nothing about this one but I can say with absolute certainty that it sounds like way too much fun to ignore, plus it’s a contemporary romance in the YA reads genre. (Oh and this online-dating-trope-mistaken-identity novel is cited as ideal for fans of Jenny Han, so…) Goodreads anticipated novels of 2020 part one
6: THE BETROTHED, By Kiera Cass (May)
I mean, you knew this would be on the list, right? Been anticipating this one for SO long. Or at least the idea of it since we didn’t know what Kiera was writing until more recent months. Goodreads
New Novels for the First Half of 2020 to Enjoy, Part One. Talking anticipated novels of 2020, part one! What made YOUR list? #BookNerd #Bookish #2020Reads #TopTenTuesday @BeckyWadeWriter, @DaniPettrey Share on X7: OF LITERATURE AND LATTES, By Katherine Reay (May)
Anything there’s a new novel by this author, I sit up and take immediate notice. Her 2020 release holds the same bookish power. Goodreads

8: STAY WITH ME, By Becky Wade (May)
Seeing Becky has a new novel to release in May makes me thrilled, but even MORE exciting is the fact that this will begin an entirely new series, and a new (for Becky) concept to connect the stories. Goodreads
9: THE CRUSHING DEPTHS, By Dani Pettrey (June)
I mean, anytime there’s a new Dani Pettrey novel I am there. Goodreads
There are plenty more exciting 2020 prospects, both that I don’t know about (because they don’t yet have a publication date and/or announcement, and those I’m overlooking. A couple that I’m curious about that do come to mind is Nicole Deese’s Before I Called You Mine, and Susan May Warren’s The Way of the Brave. Also, in the creating of this list, I take last-minute to the NEXT level. I’ve been changing the books on this list, having to re-make graphics, fix links, etc! Needless to say, I am done…! (But it was still [mostly] fun.)
Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl January 7: Most Anticipated Book Releases for the First Half of 2020
What is on your ‘most anticipated novels of 2020’ list? Do you plan to read any of these? Have you read any of them? What types of stories do you want to read less or more of this year; and do you hope to read more from your shelf… or stick to new releases? If you have a blog or joined in the Top Ten Tuesday meme, leave your links below. It may take me an entire week, but I’d love to come by and visit your bookish spaces.
Thank you for visiting!
I’m sorry. Did you say Beauty and the Beast set at a boarding school? I’M IN!
Right!? Sounds so good! Thanks so much for visiting, Emily, I appreciate it. :)
Somehow I’ve missed that Kasie West has a new one coming out. Her books can be hit or miss for me. Hoping this one’s a hit! :)
I sure hope so too, Dedra. For me (so far), I’ve enjoyed all of Kasie’s books although I do have my favorites. :) Thanks for the visit!
Great list, Rissi. Some of things are new to me. Thanks for introducing me to these books, I’m off to add them to my To Read list.
YAY! Hope you find some fun new reads to enjoy, Leah. :) Thanks so much for the visit.
A Girl’s Guide to the Outback sounds really good. And Kasie West I hear so many good things about. I hope all these books turn out as good as they sound!
I was last minute on my post too. Like literally lol. Tuesday totally crept up on me this week!
I’m all about fun and cute rom-coms, so I’m hopeful Jessica Kate’s will be just this. Oh! And yes, Kasie’s are always fun. So much joyful simplistic story-telling, and I love it.
Ugh, yes! For some reason, this post seemed to give me more trouble than usual. (And chances are, it’s still likely not how I originally planned it. :D) Thanks for the visit, Greg.
What an organized list. I was beginning to think that you had one picked out per month. I never pa attention to what is coming so I had to change the prompt this week. My new TTT list
Nothing wrong with changing things, Anne. Sometimes we have to to make something fit our reader habits better. :) Thanks so much for the visit!
Great list! I’ve seen Of Curses and Kisses on so many lists this week, and I really need to give Sandhya Menon’s work a try – I think I’m going to wait for reviews of OCaK before I decide whether to pick it up or not. I hope you enjoy all of these!
So glad I’m not the only one who hasn’t read a novel by Sandhya. I always have the best intentions to do so, but then somehow don’t make time for them (or rather, books that need reviews take my attention). Hopefully we both will chance it in 2020; thanks for the visit, Jess! :)
I surprisingly haven’t heard of any of these but A Girls’ Guide to the Outback looks really cute. I’m gonna have to check out what it’s about. I love me a good rom-com :) Great list, Rissi! I hope you enjoy all of them.
My TTT post
Doesn’t ‘Guide’ look fun!? I just received a copy in the mail and am eager to discover what it’s all about! Hope you enjoy if you do give it a chance, Dini – and as always, thanks for the visit. :)
I remind myself again to read Kasie West’s 2019 releases before diving in to her 2020 ones. I’m actually interested (and excited) to read The Betrothed. I’m curious what Kiera Cass will bring to the YA table this time.
All of Kasie’s books have been so lovely and entertaining. I hope if you read her 2019 books that you enjoy. SAME! I’m so curious to see what Kiera’s new book will be like, even more so given it’s been SO long since she had a new release. Thanks for the visit!! :)
The Roaring 20’s! I like that. :) Great list. A Girl’s Guide to the Outback sounds fun.
It’s fun, right? I’ve been seeing the term on social media and as the REAL Roaring 20’s are one of my most favorite historical time periods, I kinda like the term. :) Enjoy ‘Guide’; it sounds SO fun, and as always, thanks for the visit, Kathy.
Hallo, Hallo Rissi,
I am so happy with myself – I’ve been participating in TTT for 2wks in a row, now! :) Off to a good beginning for 2020! :) I went a bit off topic – focusing on Non-Fiction I haven’t Yet Read rather than the post I’m still composing which is *today’s!* actual topic – so that is saved for a latter date. From your list — I’ve been wanting to dive into Sundin’s Historical series for quite a long while now… I have her on my short-list of INSPY novelists I *need!* to be reading this year…
Strictly by titles – “Literature and Lattes” grabbed my eye, but finding out Ms Wade is starting a new series really had me @ “hallo”, too! :) I read the synopsis for both and I think these are going to be ending up on my #mustreads for 2020!! Thanks for bringing them to my attention. I have some INSPY Non-Fic on my list in case you’re game?
Hope you’re having a wonderful start to the New Year, Rissi!!
YAY! Congrats. That’s pretty cool. :)
Sarah’s books are always amazing. Sadly, I have several of her more recent novels I have as yet to read, but it’s a goal to catch up… someday. :D Love the extra shout-outs for Becky’s and Katherine’s respective 2020 novels. Two of my most favorite authors. :) Thank you so much for the visit, Jorie; and same to you! Hope 2020 has gotten off to a wonderful start for you.
Hallo, Hallo Rissi,
I wanted to swing back round today as I’ve finally been able to release my own response to this particular week’s TTT topic!! The Most anticipated stories I’ve found I desire to be reading this New Year’s 2020!? I admit, the first half of January was a hard entry to the year — I was truly connected to the world and the events / news surrounding the turning of a new year itself; still feel gutted by the bushfires tbh and my reading life has suffered as much as my blogging life as I just lacked focus this month on both. This particular post I’m sharing today was a heap of joy to be writing and getting to reconnect with the authors who are featured or getting to know them for the first time was a LOT of #randomjoy for me!!
I know the feeling of not wanting to write or read. Sometimes it just happens, and I think that’s ok. Sometimes there’s things in life going on that need to be enjoyed and sometimes we just need that break! :)
Rissi – you are definitely understanding me right now! I decided today to release a post about what I’ve been doing whilst I haven’t been reading – the first of its kind in seven years! I always take breaks to do other things outside book world (online) and reading; however, this year just hit me a bit harder for whichever reason. I’ve definitely been moonlighting with streaming wicked #awesomesauce tv and finding new inspiration hosting my own bookish chat on the weekends! Its like you said – sometimes we just need a break from stories and then we find our way back inside them.
I’ve been appreciating your visits recently on my blog as well.
I’m intrigued by Of Curses and Kisses! Here is our Top Ten Tuesday.
SAME! It sounds so fun. Thanks so much for the visit, as always. :)
The Land Beneath Us made my list as well. I only made it to April, so Dani Pettrey’s book isn’t listed, but I can’t wait to read it too.
YAY for shared anticipated favorites. Here’s hoping we both enjoy these – and all of our other 2020 releases, in this coming year, Beckie. :) Thanks for the visit.
I did not realize there is going to be another Kasie West novel. I really need to catch up. Also, have you heard of Tweet Cute? It sounds like a book that would be right up your alley. Have a lovely week!
I’m all about the sweet (*ahem* Kasie West) rom-coms. :) Yes! I have heard of “Tweet Cute.” I started reading it a while back before I had to set it aside to read something with an imminent release date, but I hope to get back to “Tweet Cute” asap. Have you read it? Thanks as always for the visit, Alicia. :)
I think it’s cool you split up this post between your blog and book tube.
My TTT .
It’s more fun that way, and helps keep new content across both platforms. :) Thanks for the visit, Lydia.
Okay, I just added What i Like About You to my TBR because it sounds too cute to miss :) And of course I’m also looking forward to Of Curses and Kisses!
Doesn’t it!? I’m all about those cute rom-coms, and here’s hoping we both enjoy this new BATB re-telling!! Happy 2020 reading, and thanks so much for the visit, Lindsey; hope you’re doing well.
Rissi, I struggled with this topic because I don’t pay huge attention to new releases, but I had a good go: :-) This year, I am hoping to read more historical-fiction and to read more books by favourite authors.
Sounds fun, Jessica. I like reading all the books by favorite authors. And selfishly, I’m glad I wasn’t alone in the struggle with this topic. :) Appreciate your visit, and apologies for the late reply.
I’ve enjoyed Kasie West in the past, hope the newest is a hit. Great list here! :)
I’ve liked all of the novels by Kasie I’ve read, and am hopeful this one will be added to that list. :) Thanks, Rachel, and apologies for the late reply.
Of Curses and Kisses is also on my list! Also I completely forgot that there’s new Kasie West books coming out this year, I love her previous books. Great list!
*high five* Always fun to know another Kasie West reader. They’re such fun books. Hopeful ‘Curses’ will be a fun read – it certainly sounds like it will be. :) Thanks for the visit, Tiffany, and my apologies for the late reply.
I cannot wait to read OF CURSES AND KISSESS this year. Also, you have some wonderful titles on your TTT list. Some of them I have not heard of before and I am intrigued to pick some of them out once they release.
Fun! Hope some of these end up on your TBR, Nicole – and more importantly, if they do, you enjoy them. :) Here’s hoping we BOTH like ‘Curses’; I’m always all in for a good fairytale re-telling. Thanks for the visit, and my apologies for this late reply.
The Betrothed is one I’m super hesitantly excited for. I loved the original Selection trilogy so much but everything else I’ve read by her has been disappointing. I’m hoping this one is amazing!
I liked The Selection and The Elite, still have to read book three, and am cautiously optimistic I’ll enjoy the spin-off books. Here’s hoping we both enjoy The Betrothed! :) Thanks for the visit, Tracy, and my apologies for this late reply.
I’m definitely up for a new Kiera Cass book! I haven’t read Sarah Sundin in awhile, but I always thought her books were so well-researched.
Sarah’s books are always fabulous, but like you, it’s been a while since I read one. Must remedy this soon. YAY for another Kiera Cass fan. :) Hope we enjoy this new on from her. Appreciate your visit, Angela, and my apology for the late reply.
Of Curses and Kisses sounds good! And so does the Outback one, this is the first I have heard of it, but it sounds adorable! Also I am like, borderline interested in The Betrothed? But I want to see some reviews first, so definitely let me know what you think of it when you read it!
1: SO MUCH YES, 2: Right, who doesn’t love a fun rom-com (set in Australia, no less!), 3: 100% curious about this one because I’m all about a good royal romance. ;) Thanks so much for the visit, Shannon; and my apologies for this late reply.
Of Curses and Kisses is on my most-anticipated list as well!! What I Like About You and Of Literature and Lattes both sound good as well; I’ve heard about them, but not much.
Doesn’t ‘Curses’ sound good? Plus, who doesn’t enjoy a good fairy tale, right…! You’ve featured some good ones; Marisa’s debut looks darling, and of course, Katherine’s books are among some of my most favorites. Hope you enjoy these if you read them, Hanne. Happy reading, and thanks for the visit, too! :)