
Spotlighting one book isn’t something I usually do with a list. Reviews, yes, but separately, no that’s not something we do here. Regardless, today’s book feature is a list that we’re calling ten reasons why I like My Lady Jane.


TEN REASONS WHY I LIKE THE ‘MY LADY JANE’ BOOK. A list of reasons why I enjoyed the novel #MyLadyJane. What are your reasons? #Books #BookList #FavoriteThings Share on X

A popular novel (that everyone but me read) penned by the women known as the My Lady Janies, this trio is Cynthia Hand, Brodi Ashton and Jodi Meadows. The novel is a loose interpretation of the nine days (pre and post, too) that real life historical figure Lady Jane Grey ruled as Queen of England. Of course, anyone who’s watched a period drama or two or read the history books will know that Jane’s story doesn’t end well. In this fantastical adventure, the story takes a very different approach and upends the story completely. There’s magic, romance and friendship as well as adventure, too.

Today we’re sharing ten reasons why you may enjoy reading this novel (if there’s anyone left on earth who hasn’t read it.



This one is full of adventure and excitement!


I think the novel does a good job balancing the “battle” between the sexes. Both G and Jane show their unique ways to be heroic, which allows them to show one another how they’re learning mutual respect through these circumstances they’ve become entangled in.


I appreciate that the authors write in parts of history even if it does twist it to suit the story.


I think the humor is quite funny and I enjoy the balance between the history and humor, which is quite modern. There’s a tiny place here and there that I wish were slightly altered, but mostly, it’s good.


‘MY LADY JANE’ BOOK REVIEW: A HISTORICAL NOVEL OF IMAGINATION. Review of the popular historical YA novel.

How can we not adore Jane and G? They’re sassy and heroic and cute and fun, and I love that they care about each other.


I’m not a big fan of magic or fantasy novels (though I’ve seen my share of fun movies with this subgenre), but I do appreciate that this one is simple and I didn’t feel as a reader as though the “system” or rules trip me up.


One of the things I adore about the book is that it marries its hero and heroine. I wasn’t expecting that from a relatively modern (published) novel and was pleasantly surprised that it does. It adds more interest and tension to the plot.


While I do enjoy a silly animated flick now and then, more often than not, in fiction I’m not a fan of animals talking in “real” stories. So anytime an animal talks when there are also human beings as a part of the plot, well, that isn’t my thing. So I appreciate that these animals, while probably my least favorite thing about the book have no voice.


The romance is really sweet and charming, and I like that it also uses historical facts to help form this love story.

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Have you read this YA novel? Do you like it? Is it your kind of fiction? Would you ever read it? What did you think of the Amazon series? What did you like about it vs this novel? Comment all of your thoughts below. Let’s chat.


TEN REASONS WHY I LIKE THE ‘MY LADY JANE’ BOOK. Share a few of the reasons why I enjoyed the My Lady Jane book. Sharing why I enjoy My Lady Jane.

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Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl July 16: Ten Things I Loved About [Insert Book Title Here] (Pick any book and tell us ten things you loved about it!) (submitted by Cathy @ WhatCathyReadNext)

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


    1. Totally understand that, Stefani! I don’t love the whole animal bit BUT I overall did enjoy the story. There are many however that everyone enjoys that I know wouldn’t be my thing either. :)

    1. I thought it was fun. It still brings in history but makes the story its own. I don’t always LOVE that (like with period drama being SO modern) because when I read a historical novel, that’s part of the appeal which is escaping to another era. However, since this book was promoted as being “modern” and funny, I do (mostly) forgive it. ;)

    1. Hope you enjoy the series, Nicole. I liked this book well enough to be curious about other books that they put in this “series,” so I’ll have to read one of them… hopefully soon! ;)

  1. I’m watching the series and it very funny, then I’m going to look for the book in the library, i want to see the changes between book and the adaptation

    1. I know what you mean, Cindy. Typically fantasy novels aren’t my cup of tea. I tried a few here and there and while I did finish a few, others I just let sit around until I sold or donated them. MOSTLY I think this one is fun, and it’s very YA compared to Amazon’s adult adaptation of the book.

    1. I hope you enjoy both, Leah. The book is more YA and the show adult, so there is a difference there, but I do think the book has some fun twists and humor, too. :)

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