All readers know something universal. That is we all about bookish confessions that perhaps sometimes we aren’t quite sure we want to admit to. Nonetheless we all have them and you know the whole confession is good for the soul thing is something we’re practicing with this post.
In all honestly, I do feel as though I’ve published something like this before now, but we’ll think a bit on this and see if we can think of some things to fit these parameters.
This is definitely a confession, and something I’m not proud of. Through the years I’ve bought way too many books by an author before I read even a book by said author. It’s a bad habit because, well, who knows if I’d like the author. And I’m quite sure I’ve been stuck with a backlist title of books I don’t intend to read.
BOOKISH CONFESSIONS (OR BRAGS!) THAT ARE GOOD AND BAD! #Confessions #BookConfessions #Books #Reader #Readers #Reading Share on XLEARNING WHAT I LIKE
I’ve been able to teach my reader self the types of authors or styles or genres I like. It’s something I’ve been working on through the years and something I consider a brag because I do like to know that a book I’m reading is one I’ll enjoy. Or at least the percentage of enjoying the book is much higher than not.
In more recent years, letting a book sit unfinished (sometimes it’s because I’m not loving he novel, but most of the time it’s because I don’t make time to read) is a confession I have to own up to. It’s really not something I’m proud of, but I’m working on leaving behind.
I feel like I’m someone who can easily let go of books. Both ones I haven’t read and ones I have. I keep the books I consider favorites, and ones I hope will be favorites, but I find I can let go of the collection of books I have if a: had the book for years and won’t read it, or b: if I liked the book but don’t see myself ever re-reading it.
One of my bad book habits is to not DNF a book when need be. Sometimes that’s the only option. Giving time to a book that doesn’t suit just isn’t something I enjoy.
I’ve accidentally gotten nail polish on a book… after it’s been dried. There’s something about a red polish that transfers.
Let’s hear all about your book brags or bookish confessions. Mine are pretty slim and probably not as thorough as they perhaps should be. So tell me about all of yours; which ones do you have that perhaps we share? Comment all of your thoughts down in the comment section. Share all of those bookish confessions.
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Linking up with That Artsy Reader Girl October 8: Bookish Brags (or Confessions!) (what are you proud of or… not-so proud of in your bookish life?) (submitted by Lydia – thanks, Lydia)
I am just the opposite of you! I have a bad habit of rarely even picking up a book by an author I’m not familiar with. The subtitle of my blog should just say book reviews of these five authors and then list them. I like your adventurous spirit.
I have no problem letting go of books either. I rarely buy them and when I do most of them get donated to the library when I’m done. It’s not that I don’t love books, it’s just that there are so many sources where I can get them for free to borrow.
I tend to stick with the authors I love best, but if a book SOUNDS good, I’m willing to give a new author a chance. I also will give a second of their books a chance even if I don’t love the first book I read by them because sometimes it’s more the story than author. Still I do love my “comfort” authors. :) I donate (library/Goodwill) and sell books and so far, it’s been “easy” for me. I haven’t had a desire to recollect them or regretted the act of getting rid of them. I like having a collection (right now) that’s mine BUT I also love to reorganize and limit it too. :)
I’ve gotten nail polish on a book once, too! It’s impossible to remove (at least so far as I could tell).
So you are not alone there. :)
As far as I know you cannot remove it either! I know some people have found success with removing stickers easily so who knows! Maybe someday there will be a solution. Glad I’m not the ONLY one who does this. ;)
The first one is amazing. it’s great that you know what you like. there are a lot of books out there but not so much time.
Right? This is so true! And I find it quite helpful to know (as best as possible) what I like vs don’t. :)
I don’t DNF as a rule. I just can’t bring myself to in case it gets better 🤣 I used to leave books unfinished and currently have one on pause whilst I catch up with my Netgalley approvals!
Have a great week!
Emily @ Budget Tales Book Blog
My post:
I think my motivation for “having” to finish a book was always this idea that it’s “wrong” to just give up on something we start. I think this certainly applies to many things in or about life, but I guess I’m trying to teach myself that a book is not one of these. We’ll see if this will stick. ;)
I definitely need to work on my DNF skills as well! I always keep trying even if I’m not enjoying the book and then I end up feeling slumpy. But I am doing pretty good with letting go of my collection too – last year I reduced my three book shelves to just one :)
I haven’t “pressed on” with reading a book too. I think largely this is because I feel like “giving up” on something I start is wrong. However I’m trying to teach myself that giving up a book that doesn’t suit is one thing acceptable to do. ;)
I have also been guilty of buying books by an author before I have read their books…and sit here with multiple books by an author I still need to read. I also still struggle at times to DNF a book that I should. I hope you have a great week!
Not buying MORE books by an author I haven’t read is something I’m still trying to teach myself. It’s just unwise (for me) since sometimes I wind up not caring for a book and then I’m stuck with too many books by an author that didn’t suit. It’s a constant learning lesson. ;)
I am pretty much incapable of DNF’ing a book. I have only officially DNF’d two books, and one of them I fully intend on trying to read again at some point. I hope you have a great week.
I’m still a work in progress with this lesson. But overall I THINK I’m making headway so I’m glad for this. ;)
Great list! I struggle to DNF because I feel so bad. So, I have learned how to pick my books so I don’t DNF. I’m getting pretty good actually. I’m also learning to say “NO” to the books I know I won’t like. I’ve come to learn that there are millions of readers out there. If a book is not for me, it will definitely be for someone else.
I feel bad too, but mostly I think it’s this concept that I shouldn’t “give up” on something I start. However, while this is important for many things in life, reading a book isn’t one. So that’s what I’m trying to teach myself. :) And same! Learning what I like (or am MORE likely to love) is also something I’m learning. :)
DNF-ing books are hard for me too. I’m trying to learn to dnf sooner but I keep holding out hope that it will get better, and then I get so mad when they don’t.
Hoping a book will improve and then being so sad when it doesn’t is a tough thing. Guess we are always learning things about our reader habits. :)
I relate to a lot of these. Over the years, I’ve definitely learned to DNF books I’m not enjoying, rehome books that I don’t need to keep, and not read books just because I feel like I should. It’s great how we evolve as readers, isn’t it?
Happy TTT!
Very true, Susan! We do chance and evolve as readers. Part of this is probably due to the ways we change, which is all hopefully for the good. :)
I’ve found myself buying books by an author I’ve heard lots about, but I’ve not read any book by that author. I’ve also started buying books by authors I’ve enjoyed before. But I try not to buy books if I don’t think I’ll like them just because of who wrote them.
Pam @ Read! Bake! Create!
I definitely buy books by authors I haven’t read… but I’m going to work on not repeat buying that author until I read the initial book I bought. Sometimes I don’t care for the author and then I have WAY too many books by an author that just doesn’t suit. :)
I’ve never gotten nail polish on a book, but definitely food.
I probably have gotten food on a book, too, Alicia! I also “recovered” old books with “new” cover art and looking at those books now that is a disastrous thing. ;)