Top Ten Tuesday | Dear Santa: All I Want this Year Is…


Hello, there, everyone – and Merry Christmas 2018. I’m in awe today is Christmas, but the calendar says it is, my social media timelines inform me of this, and now, Top Ten Tuesday’s topic does.

That Artsy Reader Girl | Top Ten Tuesday December 25: Books I Hope I Find Under My Christmas Tree This Morning

Top Ten Tuesday December 25

Each year, this is another topic I always enjoy putting together. It sort of surprised me that I had a bit of a hard time finding books to put on this kind of list. I have a feeling its more because my mind is drawing a blank vs the lack of published books in this world, but perhaps not. Or maybe it’s because I know more of what I like vs don’t, in which case I’m one happy bookworm.

Since I tend to gift books to myself (Amazon makes it too tempting with that 2-day shipping), sometimes I feel bad for Mr. Claus. After all, how can he leave me any books if I snag them all myself? This list is probably coming a tiny bit late for the big man in red to see anyway, but then again, he is Santa, and one should never underestimate him and his elves. With that said, let’s take a look at my wish list of books for 2018.

Dear Santa…

Top Ten Tuesday December 25

1: Forever Doon by Carey Corp and Lorie Langdon | I have all of the books in this series save for this fourth and final novel. I’ve read an ARC copy, but of course will want to have a finished copy someday. Goodreads

2: Called to Protect by Lynette Eason | This is a series by Lynette I’ve yet to pick up. Her latest, it sounds really interesting, it’s just one I haven’t yet started. As a result, I decided to add book 2 to my list. Goodreads

3: A Sparkle of Silver by Liz Johnson | Why I haven’t picked up Liz Johnson’s new book yet I’ve not a clue. Her Prince Edward Island series is so entertaining, and I’m eager to discover what this, the start of her new series, is all about. Goodreads

4: The Saturday Night Supper Club by Carla Laureano | Again, this is another one I have read, but in ARC format. Of course I’d really like to have a finished copy. Goodreads 

Top Ten Tuesday December 25

5: The Dinner List by Rebecca Searle | I don’t know much about this one, but it looks fun and sounds it too! Goodreads

6: One Day in December by Josie Silver | Ahem. Ok, so here’s a self-buy gift: yes, I picked this one up on my day-in-the-city-shopping-trip. What can I say? There it sat in Barnes & Noble… and I think it had my name on it.  Goodreads

7: It Had to Be You by Susan May Warren | I’ve read this one thanks to the publishing house, but don’t have a final copy. Needless to say, this is something I’ll remedy asap. Goodreads

*Update: Yes, this is another one I bought for myself.

8: The Accidental Beauty Queen by Terri Wilson | I don’t know that I’ve ever read one of Terri Wilson’s novels, but this one sounds really cute! Plus, I don’t read much in this world (pageants), but do love a good contemporary. Goodreads

It's a #MerryChristmas edition of #TopTenTuesday now on Finding Wonderland!! Today we talk all about our wish lists for #Santa. Top Ten Tuesday | Dear Santa: All I Want this Year Is... Click To Tweet

Your turn! What do YOU hope Santa leaves for you? Do you have an entire list or is it pretty sort? Do you gift books? I’d love to know all your thoughts!

 If you joined Top Ten Tuesday (and even if you didn’t), feel free to leave your post below so I can come visit or introduce yourself and your blog. I look forward to visiting all of your bookish spaces!

Thank you for visiting.

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about the changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!


About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Yes, I know all about going to Amazon or the bookstore and seeing a book with my name on it. Especially if it’s $1.99 or $2.99… must… not… click… buy… oops, I clicked buy. Or I’m at Walmart and “oops, how did that get in my cart?” I hope you’re able to get these books soon.

    Brooke Lorren recently posted: Daughter of the Pirate King was Okay
  2. I hope you find some good stuff under the tree. :) I’ve thought for a while that the Lynette Eason books look fun, and The Saturday Night Supper Club sounds good too (love that title).

    Merry Christmas!!!

  3. I hope these books find their way to you! A Sparkle of Silver is a fabulous read! It was the first time I’d read anything by Liz Johnson and it really made me want to check out her previous books. Merry Christmas! :)

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