8 Books I Like With Less Than 2,000 Ratings. A Top Ten Tuesday List.
Hello, friends. Today’s Tuesday which can mean one thing: it’s another week, so we’re joining this week’s Top Ten Tuesday February 19 edition.
That Artsy Reader Girl | Top Ten Tuesday February 19: Books I [Really Like] with Fewer than 2,000 Ratings on Goodreads

This week I’m a bit more scattered than I usually am with Top Ten Tuesday (and you all know, Top Ten Tuesday usually flusters me because I procrastinate!), and because of this, my Youtube channel hasn’t received a new video since last week’s Top Ten Tuesday. This trend was going to continue for tomorrow since I didn’t get a video filmed for this week. (Shall we blame it on my bookshelf buying woes, and the fact that my books are either in a. boxes or b. all over my floor?) But I decided not to be lazy, and film one anyway. Regular programming shall resume tomorrow. But I digress. Let’s get back to the topic at hand.
This week’s prompt asks about the books we like with fewer than 2,000 Goodreads ratings. Some of these don’t surprise me (because they’re Indie and *sad face* the writing doesn’t get the recognition it should), but others do. While I have read eight of these, two are titles I haven’t read but do want to. Eventually.
Here we go. Let’s get to listing!
Top Ten Tuesday February 19
1: To Get to You (155 ratings) by Joanne Bischof | This is unlike any YA contemporary I’ve read, but in this case, that’s a VERY good thing. With its unique voice (and a male one at that), this road trip story is a delight from first to last page. Goodreads

2: The Geography of Lost Things (442 ratings) by Jessica Brody | I read this one late in 2018, and really like it. It’s one of those books I didn’t expect to enjoy, only to discover I really did. Goodreads
Talking #Bookish and #TopTen Tuesday meme fun with 8 Books I Like With Less Than 2,000 Ratings | Top Ten Tuesday Share on X3: Pretty in Punxsutawney (244 ratings) by Laurie Boyle Crompton | This one just released so it might not be the best pick (because it hasn’t had time to earn all the ratings), but still, I wanted to mention it. I recently read it, and thought it was super cute! Goodreads

4: A New Shade of Summer (340 ratings) by Nicole Deese | This is one of the best contemporary romances I’ve read in a long time. Love the heroine’s colorful personality, and Davis, well, Davis is swoony. Just saying. Goodreads
5: A Sparkle of Silver (288 ratings) by Liz Johnson: To-Read | This is one I’ve been meaning to read for a looong time now. Ever since I saw it’s original cover art. Hopefully in the not to distant future, I’ll accomplish this. Goodreads
6: Brunch at Bittersweet Café (203 ratings) by Carla Laureano | This is another one that deserves higher ratings. But given the fact that it’s not been in stores for even a month, we’ll give it some time. Goodreads top ten tuesday february 19
7: Diamonds are Forever (289 ratings) by Michelle Madow: To-Read | Once upon a time I read the first two books in this series, but haven’t read the third. It’s on my shelf though so I do feel like this is an easy remedy. Goodreads

8: As Easy as Riding a Bike (34 ratings) by Bell Renshaw | This may only be a novella, but it’s delightful. The perfect Saturday afternoon pick-me-up read. Goodreads
9: The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck (736 ratings) by Bethany Turner | Loved this book so much. Go read it. Enough said. Goodreads
10: Reclaiming Nick (1,600 ratings) by Susan May Warren | On the list of Susan-May-Warren-books-I-haven’t-read goes. Someday I need to read this series as well as books 2-6 of her latest saga. Goodreads
What underrated books do you love? Have you ever read a book everyone else loved, but you didn’t? Is there a book you wish more people knew about – have you read any I mention? Share all the thoughts below! I’d love to chat with you.
If you joined Top Ten Tuesday – or have a blog, please introduce yourself below. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces, too.
Thank you for visiting
ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about the changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!
I haven’t read any of these but I’m glad you enjoyed them.
Thanks, Lauren. :)
Nice list. The Geography of Lost things has me curious- seems like I remember seeing that one around, and the cover makes me think road trip (even though I have no idea if that’s what it’s about lol), but I may try that one!
I really enjoyed ‘Lost Things.’ It’s the first book by Jessica I read, and it won’t be my last. :) Let me know what you think if you read it.
Thanks for the visit, Greg.
Great list. I actually don’t know any of these ones!
I experience this quite a bit when visiting other’s Top Ten lists, too, Melanie. Thanks for stopping by. :)
This was an eye-opening exercise for me today. Thanks for the recommendations. Here is my list of good but low-review books on Goodreads
Sure. Thanks so much for the visit, Anne. :)
I haven’t read any of these books, but as our tastes are quite similar, I really should check them out!
Hope if you do, you find a new one or two to enjoy, Chrissi! Thanks so much for the visit. :)
The Geography of Lost things and Pretty in Punxsawtaney surprise me (maybe because they couldn’t spell that last one, LOL). To Get to You sounds interesting.
‘Lost Things’ is such a fun read – definitely one I’d like to get a physical copy for. I attribute low ratings to the fact that these are both newer reads. Or at least I hope that’s it. :)
Joanne’s book is fabulous!
Thanks so much for the visit, Brooke.
Great list! I don’t think I’ve heard of any of these, so I’ll have to check them out.
Fun. Let me know if you liked any you might try. :) Thanks for the visit, Jess.
A New Shade of Summer sounds good. Actually, several of these sound so sweet. I’ll have to look into them. Here is my Top Ten Tuesday.
YAY! Hope if you do look into Nicole’s (it is sweet!), you enjoy. Let me know what you think if you do. Appreciate your visit, thanks. :)
To Get to You just barely missed making my list this week. I loved A New Shade of Summer and Sarah Hollenbeck. Bruch at Bittersweet Café is on my TBR list, especially after reading your review of it.
It’s a good read, and I cannot wait to visit your list, Brittaney. Enjoy ‘Bittersweet.’ It’s a new favorite. :) Thanks bunches for the visit.
I might have to add To Get To You to my TBR. It sounds interesting.
My Top Ten Tuesday post.
It is, Lydia! Such a lovely read. :)
Thanks for the visit.
I love that you included Liz Johnson and Nicole Deese! I haven’t read The Secret Life of Sarah Hollenbeck yet but it’s one I’m really looking forward to getting to.
They’re both lovely authors with lovely novels! Hope you enjoy ‘Sarah.’ It’s a fantastic read. Glad to have you stop by, Kirby – thank you. :)
This is the second time I’ve seen The Geography of Lost Things today. I’m going to have to look into that one.
It’s really quite good – or I thought so. :) Let me know what you think if you read it, Alicia, and thanks for the visit.
Some of mine really surprised me this week too! It’s easy to forget that the book community’s hype doesn’t represent the world. :/
Right? So many books get lost among those that receive all the hype. :) Thanks so much for the visit, Tracy.
Not surprisingly I haven’t heard of any of these, except one. I have the Geography of Lost Things I need to read.
‘Lost Things’ is quite good, Ash! Hope if you read it, you enjoy. Thanks so much for the visit. :)
Fun list! I can’t believe I haven’t fully read To Get to You yet… Eep! I need to find out how it ends. :)
And I love the title and cover of The Geography of Lost Things! I just finished another great road-trip story: Love & Luck by Jenna Evans Welch, set in Ireland. :)
You most certainly do, friend. :) I have been wanting to read Jenna’s books for SO long. They’re high on my cannot-wait-to-read list, so to hear you say her newest is great makes me happy. PLUS IRELAND!!
Thanks so much for visiting, Book Bestie.
Some really great picks on here! I am honestly so surprised that The Geography of Lost Things has so few ratings. I really enjoyed that one! Also, there are a few titles on here that I haven’t read but that I am ABSOLUTELY going to check out soon. To Get to You has me super intrigued but so does A New Shade of Summer and *stops self before I just parrot back your entire list because your taste is always on point* hsoish basically, your list is full of a ton of yes and “I need” so!
SAME! I so enjoyed ‘Lost Things,’ and do want to purchase a copy eventually. Fun! Hope if you get the chance to read some of these, you enjoy them, Jessica. Both you mention are amazing reading. :)
Thanks so much for the kind words, and for the visit. I appreciate it! :)
The Geography of Lost Things has been on my radar for a while now! I feel like I’ve seen people talking about it quite a bit so I’m surprised that it has so few ratings…
Hope you enjoy ‘Lost Things’ if you have a chance to read it, Niamh. Thanks for the visit. :)
The Geography of Lost Things is already on my TBR and I really dig the cover. Might need to bump it up the list.
Hope you enjoy if you do read it, Chrystal. :) Thanks for visiting!