A Few of the Popular Mothers We Love on TV


Mothers are a special being. They care for us, and they take care of us. They listen to our hopes, fears and while our greatest advocate, hopefully they also call us out when we’re wrong. When it comes to my mother, I know she listens to my rants and frustrations with a listening ear anytime, even if she doesn’t always want to, and when needed, she tells it to my like it is. favorite tv mothers

LIST | 15+ Good Movies Perfect to Enjoy on Mother’s Day

Last week, we shared a list of fun mothers day movies or stories with strong themes between mothers and their children, so this week, we turn our attention to mothers on TV. As Mother’s Day is now upon us, let’s take a look at some of these favorite TV mothers (and a few from film, too!), most of whom share a mother and daughter bond.

Favorite TV Mothers

1: Adaline (from The Age of Adaline)

This mother-daughter bond is unique. A film, and not a TV show, this one follows a woman across generations who keeps close to her daughter despite the years that separate them.

2: Lady Sarah Ashley (from Australia)

favorite tv mothers

Yes, this is a film character, but Nicole Kidman’s Sarah is a character I find fascinating. She looks beyond anything but the love she feels for a boy she wants only to protect.

3: Belgraiva

In the case of this show I’m not singling out a character because this one has a unique focal perspective that is the older characters in this cast, the primary two of whom are both mothers.

4: Carol (from Great News)

This is one of those “silly” picks because this now-cancelled show is just plain and simple, fun. It’s a cute comedy about a meddling mother who, in order to be close to her daughter, gets a job at the news station where her daughter works.

5: Mrs. Dashwood (from Sense & Sensibility)

I quite like the portrayal of this character in the 2008 mini-series. She’s got some gumption whereas when I’ve seen her elsewhere, she remains a grieving widow.

6: Paige Dineen (from Scorpion)

I’m quite fond of this character. I haven’t finished this now-cancelled series (yet), but what I saw made me like Paige a lot. In retrospect, I realize the fact that she’s a single mother isn’t the “main” point of the show, which follows a group of geniuses (minus Paige) who solve crimes, but she actually acts as more than mother to her own gifted son; she’s kind of like a den mother, so to speak, to the team.

7: Louisa Durrell (from The Durrells)

I vacillate in my opinion of Louisa Durrell as a character, and mother, but in the end this British series is so entertaining I decided to include her, plus at the end of the day, I do believe she loves her children.

8: Lorelai Gilmore (from Gilmore Girls)

This one kind of seems like an obvious, “easy choice,” but it also feels like one we kinda’ have to include.

9: Caroline Ingalls (from Little House on the Prairie)

I feel like it was kind of a “requirement” to include this woman, mainly for nostalgic purposes; who else watched the 70s show?

10: Kay (from Outmatched)

I watched this one on a whim, and easily binged the entire thing. It’s silly in places, yes, but it’s also quite cute. It follows a regular couple who have to navigate raising three of their four children, all of whom are geniuses. I like Kay’s approach as a no-nonsense mother who, even though her kids have a higher IQ than she, she still puts down rules and gives them “no” answers. favorite tv mothers

11: Kathryn Kennish and Regina Vasequez (from Switched at Birth)

I haven’t seen this show in its entirety, but remember thinking the dynamic of this complicated two-mothers and two-daughters relationship was interesting. That said, I’m sure if I were to pick it up again, I’d find some “issues” with how things play out.

12: Abbey O’Brien and Nell O’Brien (from Chesapeake Shores)

The story of Abbey as a mother isn’t “prevalent” in every angle of this Hallmark TV show, but I still like this part of the plot. I haven’t warmed fully to Megan yet, but do find Nell, the matriarch of the O’Brien family to be a fount of wisdom and interest as a character, and as a kind of mother to the entire O’Brien family.

13: Katie Otto (from American Housewife)

Yes her parenting style is quite different, but I love Katie. She’s hilarious and her kids are all so different which is what makes the dynamic fun to see. In reality, I never thought I’d be so “addicted” to this show, but it’s one I anticipated returning each new year because it’s silly, yes, but fun.

14: Helen Par (from The Incredibles)

Spotlighting some of our favorite TV mothers and why they're memorable.

Ok, so yes, Helen is another character from a film, but what can I say? She didn’t make it on last week’s list, so we have to put her here, and her shout-out comes from Dixie-Ann Belle, my fellow Silver Petticoat contributor. She’s quite literally the definition of a superhero mother! favorite tv mothers

15: Shelagh Turner (from Call the Midwife)

Spotlighting some of our Favorite TV Mothers and why they're cool.

I have loved this character from the start of this beautiful BBC series. But the further in her story goes, the more I love her character arc.

16: Snow White (from Once Upon a Time)

It’s been years since I watched an episode of this show, but I like the first season, and the mothering dynamic is unique (in the early seasons) because of how Snow White becomes a mother in the present timeline.

17: Various Hallmark Movies

Chesapeake Shores: Season 2

There’s SO many great mothers to be found on Hallmark original romance movies. Oftentimes the romance will feature a single parent, plenty of whom are mothers, so chances are, if you like a good mother-child story, you’ll find some cute ones in these movies.

A Few of the Popular Mothers We Love on TV. Sharing some favorite TV mothers on this Mother's Day 2020. #MothersDay #List #TVShows #Chessies Click To Tweet

Your turn! Which of these characters do you like? Do you have characters that are favorite TV mothers that you’ve grown to love on a TV show or film? Comment all of your thoughts down below.

Thank you for visiting!


A Few of the Popular Mothers We Love on TV. Sharing some favorite TV mothers on this Mother's Day 2020. Text © Rissi JC

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I have a love/hate relationship with both Rory and Lorelai. But I do think Lorelai is a fun mom and very devoted to Rory. But as Rory gets older, I feel like Lorelai should’ve brought Rory back down the earth. She started to get too snobby with her grandpartents and the Yale influence and it really shows in the revival.

    I also really liked both the moms on Switched at Birth.

    1. I would say that’s a very fair opinion of the Rory/Lorelai bond. That said, I think when it’s needed, Lorelai is s mother to Rory. It’s just that Rory, at least in the beginning, is such a responsible kid, it’s hard to be “strict” with her when she doesn’t need it. I agree 100% about older Rory; haven’t seen the revival yet, but the latter seasons change Rory, and not for the better. Here’s hoping any future GG episodes undo some of the damage! ;)

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