‘Leap Year’: An Unexpected Irish Road Trip and Romance


There are two facts that prompt me to post this review. The first is that 2012 is a leap year and it’s perfectly appropriate to finally share a review of Leap Year (2010), and the second is who doesn’t love a sweet bit of romantic fluff now and again? This one fits that latter description like a glove.

Leap Year (2010) Film Review 

Anna Brady (Amy Adams) has little trouble accomplishing what she wants. Her perfect job is to stage apartments for perspective buyers. Then there’s her perfect boyfriend. After four years together, Anna and Jeremy (Adam Scott) take a step towards their dream and make plans to move into Boston’s most prestigious address. Anna has the promise of another surprise when Jeremy is spotted leaving a high-end jewelry store where there’s only one reason for a man to visit: she’s about to become engaged! Only instead of a diamond ring… the gift is a pair diamond earrings.

Jeremy’s high-profile career as a cardiologist takes him to Ireland, leaving her alone with her disappointment. Then she learns of an Irish tradition that changes everything. Every four years on Leap Day, tradition dictates a woman propose. Anna decides to hop a plane and pop the question. Following delays and exhaustive travels, Anna makes it there, but to add insult to injury, she must rely upon a local (and annoying!) bar owner named Declan (Matthew Goode) to get to Dublin…

In a nutshell this is the basic premise of this romantic comedy. Seems vaguely familiar, right? There have been dozens of titles nearly the same as this (all that is ever different are the faces). Even still, such movies never cease to draw in certain audiences (myself included). Many in this genre share a common thread thanks to overused gags that are meant to be funny but rarely end up that – movies that can pull that feat off while still managing to contain variations of their own are unique. It might not be clever but Leap Year is a funny, delightful Irish piece of filming projects more than just a sweet story.

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Leap Year (2010) – An Unexpected Irish Road Trip and Romance. A film review of the 2010 comedy with Amy Adams. #Movies #LeapYear #AmyAdams Share on X

From the opening, smart-style credits something sparkles about this. Perhaps its most impressive achievement is the gorgeous, rolling green scenes, some of which is shot on location in Ireland. This contrasts well with the hustle, bustle of the busy streets of NYC. To put it plainly: the landscape is breathtaking. Setting the characters smack dab in the middle of such surroundings makes the movie pretty to look at, while being a nice balance of scenic awe and character-driven narrative, and most particularly I enjoy seeing Declan and Anna trudge up the hill to the ruins of a castle.

“I don’t wanna not make plans with you. I wanna make plans with you.” – Leap Year 

Amy Adams lights up the screen, no matter the character. This is one of her less challenging personifications but because of Amy’s acting, the character is interesting. I “like” Matthew Goode, however, I’m not entirely certain his “rough” appearance is necessary or at least not some of his “unpolished” manners. I’ll concede, they want the stark contrast (against Jeremy), but some mannerisms are just a little too ridiculous.  But to be honest, I still like his Declan. It always helps when there are sparks between the leading man and lady; something that unfolds nicely in this.

Sometimes, the dialogue in films doesn’t “fit” the context of scenes. This is true in some cased for Leap Year. Moments of absurdity do “intrude,” but nothing too off-putting. There’s plenty of swoony, Irish romantic moments to distract us. This film stands out as a lovely alternative to the normal Hollywood filth, which always makes me happy. Instead it reminds us that once in a while something special may come into our lives that may change the societal “norm” when its least expected.

Photos: Universal Pictures / Spyglass Entertainment

Leap Year - An Unexpected Irish Road Trip and Romance. A film review of the 2010 comedy with Amy Adams.

CONTENT: The film is PG for profanity includes one exclamation of “Jesus!” plus h*ll and sh*t. Declan sees Anna through a sheer shower curtain. There is some mild “violence” when Declan defends Anna and punches some drifters. Anna becomes drunk [and physically sick], Declan is constantly drinking.

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. I ADORE this movie and really need to rewatch it (thanks for the Leap Year reminder!). I think Matthew Goode is just adorable in this film. :)

  2. I know a girl who really liked it, though I haven't seen it (or any other reviews really). It sounds like a sweet story but with the drinking content I might lean toward a no…
    Thanks for reviewing!
    Keep Growing Beautiful♥ (Cause
    You Are!)

  3. I love Amy Adams, so I adored her in this film….though my thoughts on Matthew Goode are the same as yours. I wish it had either been someone different or he have a different appearance.

    Fun movie, though, isn't it?

  4. Ruth – me, too! It is such a sweet story. With it being Leap Year (fun that we get an extra day, right!?), I should finally re-watch it. I saw it in theaters and have seen it a couple more times but not for a while now. =)

    I liked Matthew alright but I think he was better in Chasing Liberty. ;D

    Sierra – this is a really sweet story and for the most part does NOT abuse its PG-rating which is unusual. Amy Adams is such a talented actress which makes her movies always a joy to watch. =)

    If you do decide to see it, I hope you enjoy it. =D

    Ella – I know, right!? This one is adorable.

    Amy is probably my favorite actress in the "business" today. She just sparkles on-screen and has a really infectious on-screen personality. Yeah, Matthew was o.k., but I have much preferred him in other roles. There we go again with another bit of movie trivia we agree on. =D

  5. Juju – so do I! Ireland, I am sure would be a beautiful place. Jenny B. Jones wrote a teen novel in the same setting and even reading about it made it sound charming – which is a sign of a wonderful author. =)

    Jen – me, too! It is a lovely film that just makes one feel happy. =)

  6. Ireland does look like a beautiful country to visit, Ella – and if I could pick any place to visit, it would be in the top five. =)

    Although it is "understood" that Anna and Jeremy live together in Leap Year, it isn't an important part of the movie – in fact, most of the time, they are apart.

  7. Glad you are a fan, too, Meghan! =) The movie is one of the sweetest and I, like you, really should see it again. So sweet.

    Happy you stopped in – do so again real soon. =)

  8. I think I might have to watch his movie again xD I watched it last year with a bit of hesitation (as you mentioned briefly, rom coms seem to follow a set formula these days) but I found myself greatly enjoying it. It's straightforward but it's very sweet and I lovelovelovelove the places where they filmed. Definitely need to check out Ireland one of these days =D

  9. This is a cute one! I love it a bit more each time I re-watch it! Ireland looks awesome – I'd love to visit it and England… someday. =)

    Thanks bunches for stopping in, Lianne – do so again sometime.

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