10 Epic Characters To Swap Lives With. A Top Ten Tuesday List.


Hey, everyone. It’s a new week which means 1: a new week of blogging at Finding Wonderland and 2: a new edition of the meme that always gets said week started here. That’s right, it’s Top Ten Tuesday March 5 edition.

That Artsy Reader Girl | March 5: Characters I’d Like To Switch Places With (submitted by Sara @ A Gingerly Review)

Top Ten Tuesday March 5

I found this one fun, but also a challenge because I don’t think I think much about swapping lives with people – fictional or otherwise. Still, there are some characters whose lives seem as though they’d be super fun to swap places with. Even if only for a little while. I think I’d miss the people in my life too much to want anything to be permanent.

Below are ten characters that have lives, careers or live in worlds I wouldn’t mind swapping lives with. Just not permanently. At least I don’t think so.

*Also as I put this together, I couldn’t help but notice it feels suspiciously like last week’s list. *shrugs* I put them together (in part) a while back so I didn’t feel like revamping them. The characters are fabulous, so…

Top Ten Tuesday March 5

1: Juliet Ashton from The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society | Ah, Juliet. Who wouldn’t want to meet the lovely people she befriends on Guernsey? Plus, it might be a bit of a fun adventure to receive as many roses as she does. Goodreads

2: Bachelor Girls from The Bachelor Girl’s Guide to Murder| Because who doesn’t like the idea of solving a fun case, plus these besties just seem to have so much fun! Goodreads

Top Ten Tuesday March 5

3: Belle from Beauty and the Beast | Um, one word: library! Goodreads (Belle’s Library)

10 Epic Characters To Swap Lives With | Top Ten Tuesday March 5: Talking about more books, and all the characters who are AWESOME! Share on X

4: Lizzie Bennet from The Secret Diary of Lizzie Bennet | Because she’s opinionated, determined and doesn’t let people change who she is. Also, there’s Darcy. Goodreads

5: Evelyn or Philippa Hapwell from The Light Between Worlds | Is it odd that I add these two having never read this story? Yes? I think so too. Goodreads

6: Marvel Characters from the MCU | Ok, so I’d only want to change places with these characters on a day in which they aren’t under attack. I’d not survive otherwise. Still, wouldn’t it be cool to be an Avenger?? Rent or own The Avengers on Amazon Video

7: Mary Poppins from Mary Poppins | Because she’s classy, and everything we should strive to be. Goodreads | Find Mary Poppins Returns on Amazon top ten tuesday march 5

Top Ten Tuesday March 5

8: Merry Men from Robin Hood (or Sherwood) | Again, another world I’d only want to visit on a day in which this band wasn’t being pursued by the baddies. Goodreads | Robin Hood (BBC) on DVD

*Yes, I again used Meagan’s Hunted in my book photo.

9: Samantha Moore from Dear Mr. Knightley | This girl and her love letter romance is THE sweetest story. Goodreads

10: Susannah Truitt from Once Upon a Prince | Because she meets, and captures the heart of a prince! *swoon* Goodreads | Once Upon a Prince (Hallmark) digitally on Amazon Video

Tell me, what characters would you like to switch places with? Would it be for a day, a visit or forever? Share all of your bookish thoughts below! Let’s chat all the character’s we’d swap lives with!

If you joined Top Ten Tuesday – or have a blog, please introduce yourself below. I’d be glad to visit your bookish spaces, too.

Thank you for visiting

ps: please excuse the “disorder.” you can read more about these changes, new follow options and why archive posts are a royal mess in my “Disorder + Feedback” post!

About Rissi JC

amateur graphic designer. confirmed bookaholic. bubbl’r enthusiast. critical thinker. miswesterner. social media coordinator. writer.


  1. Sooo many awesome Avengers. Can I just have Vision’s pwers please? Intangibility would be so awesome lol. Okay and Merry Men too? Yes I’d be all over hanging out in sherwood with (good) outlaws…

    1. SO many powers do the Avengers have; most of which seem as though they’d be FUN to have for a day. Also, I like that you single out Ant-Man on your list. Thanks for the visit, Greg!! :)

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